I think I also shot Pops bow at Kalamazoo.I also shot several other PCH models there.I would have brought one home but each one had at least one feature lacking that I wanted.Either too short,too long,too heavy or too light poundage,no Asbell grip,etc.I did end up ordering one from Roger before I left Kalamazoo. I ended up ordering a 58 in. PCH III 47 lbs. at 28 inches split fingered tillering with an Asbell grip.Still trying to decide whether I want the inserts installed or not.Roger said that was one of the last things that they did so I still have some time left to make my mind up.I also ordered a limbbolt Thunderhorn quiver but may have to change that depending on whether I get inserts installed or not.I actually received a receipt from Black Widow in the mail today.