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Author Topic: Pig Gig Update  (Read 6750 times)

Offline IB

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Re: Pig Gig Update
« Reply #80 on: February 13, 2010, 10:49:00 AM »
Grant Young goes home wearing a SMILE..   :thumbsup:

Offline LBOW

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Re: Pig Gig Update
« Reply #81 on: February 13, 2010, 11:50:00 AM »
Rabbittman and Denny are on the way back to Ohio. One Pig--Two hunters something wrong with that picture. Dick said Ohio is not so bad after all. No more Feb. Texas hunts for him!!!!! MIKE
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Offline bayoulongbowman

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Re: Pig Gig Update
« Reply #82 on: February 13, 2010, 12:51:00 PM »
Didnt ya know hell is freezing over ( the Saints won!) just waiting to see pigs fly!!!!!!   :goldtooth:
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Offline joebuck

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Re: Pig Gig Update
« Reply #83 on: February 13, 2010, 06:05:00 PM »
Hogdancer has just finished his 4th dance with an unlucky swine. He is now just putting on a hog killing clinic.
Aim down your arrow because thats where it's going.

Online Terry Green

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Re: Pig Gig Update
« Reply #84 on: February 13, 2010, 06:31:00 PM »
Originally posted by joebuck:
Hogdancer has just finished his 4th dance with an unlucky swine. He is now just putting on a hog killing clinic.
Congrats Thomas!!!  I like seeing a man really get after em!!!!
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Offline FerretWYO

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Re: Pig Gig Update
« Reply #85 on: February 13, 2010, 06:33:00 PM »
Thomas Man Congratulations. "Adapt and overcome adverstiy"  I would say you have done just that.
TGMM Family of The Bow

Offline hormoan

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Re: Pig Gig Update
« Reply #86 on: February 13, 2010, 07:38:00 PM »
I have a couple minutes waiting on my flight, so here is a little bait.    :D    Big worms on ice  

Happy campers on ice     :bigsmyl:      

I wonder if it snows in Boliva, that maybe far enough south. Next trip south hog hunting!!

Offline Wiley Coyote

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Re: Pig Gig Update
« Reply #87 on: February 14, 2010, 08:33:00 AM »
How far south in Texas did it snow? Last year we were at Chapparosa near Ulvade the same week. I doubt there would have been snow that far south.
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Offline Charlie Lamb

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Re: Pig Gig Update
« Reply #88 on: February 14, 2010, 08:51:00 AM »
Have any trouble with keeping the meat from spoiling?
Hunt Sharp


Offline owlbait

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Re: Pig Gig Update
« Reply #89 on: February 14, 2010, 10:03:00 AM »
Sounds like hogdancer should do a hog hunting tutorial! That is amazing.
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Offline tenbrook

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Re: Pig Gig Update
« Reply #90 on: February 14, 2010, 11:13:00 AM »
Originally posted by owlbait:
Sounds like hogdancer should do a hog hunting tutorial! That is amazing.

I would love to hear some pig hunting tips from this "Hogdancer" fella?


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Re: Pig Gig Update
« Reply #91 on: February 14, 2010, 11:28:00 AM »
Originally posted by Charlie Lamb:
Have any trouble with keeping the meat from spoiling?
A gallon of milk was sitting out on a table the whole week...without spoiling.
TGMM Family of the Bow   A member since 6/5/09

“I can tell by your hat that you’re not from around here.”

Casher from Brookshires Food Store in Albany, Texas during 2009 Pig Gig

Offline metsastaja

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Re: Pig Gig Update
« Reply #92 on: February 14, 2010, 11:34:00 AM »
Les Heilakka
TGMM Family of the Bow  
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Offline d. ward

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Re: Pig Gig Update
« Reply #93 on: February 14, 2010, 11:59:00 AM »
some pig giggen stories should be showing up here pretty soon bd

Offline knife river

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Re: Pig Gig Update
« Reply #94 on: February 14, 2010, 12:29:00 PM »
What a week...  It began with deep mud and ended with wet, heavy snow.  Last year's Gig was memorable for the big winds and dust storms that tore the camp apart.  I don't know how the Wensels can top it next year, but if there's a coast within 100 miles, there'll be a tsunami.  If there's a mountain within 200 miles, expect a lava flow through camp.  A fault line?  We'll free fall to the center of the earth.

Am I complaining?  Absolutely not.  These things add depth to the memories.  I wouldn't miss them for the world.


Here's how it looked on day one.  This is a pretty good mud hole, but it wasn't the biggest or baddest.  Those we avoided by going cross-country and weaving our way through mesquites -- one advantage to driving a small Toyota.

My partner in all this was Shawn Webb (his pic is below).  Gotta hand it to Shawn.  Despite a thousand occasions where he was justified to scream, "Oh my God, we're gonna die!" he never once voiced the faintest whiff of concern or criticism about my driving.  If he had anything to say, it was something cool-headed like, "That one seemed a little soupy."  One time we were bouncing on a muddy bulldozer track along the edge of a drop-off into a new reservoir.  The track sloped sideways at about a 30 degree angle.  When the truck slid slideways a couple feet and left us peering out the side windows at a 100 foot drop, Shawn said something like, "It wouldn't be real pleasant to go down there."  


There's a line in a Lyle Lovett song that goes, "The Brazos still runs muddy like she's run all along."  Although this is the "Clear" Fork of the Brazos, the sediment load was heavy this week.  If it hadn't been moving so fast, you could have plowed and planted in it.



TGMM Family of the Bow

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Offline knife river

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Re: Pig Gig Update
« Reply #95 on: February 14, 2010, 12:45:00 PM »
I'll give you the spoiler now:  I didn't kill a pig.  I loosed only one arrow.  I don't regret it one iota.  Fact is, I think I prefer it that way, and when the full story is told, the reason might be clearer.



See the hog tracks in the bottom right?  These are the kind of places I hunted.  Around the river were finger ridges with pockets of heavy brush.  The ridges dropped off to two narrow terraces of flats along the river.  The terraces had open timber on them with lots of good grass underneath.  It was hog nirvana:  lots of water, food, and cover, and nobody to bother them.


This is another place I spent a lot of time. In this photo, we're looking mostly south.  This grove of native pecan trees are about 100 yards from the river.  To the west is a large open field.  To the east are some nice creek bottoms that butt up against brushy ridges.  Along the south edge of the field is an old stone wall with a couple gaps in it.  This area has hog trails that are bigger than some county roads.  And some of the hogs are about the size of the cars on county roads.
TGMM Family of the Bow

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Re: Pig Gig Update
« Reply #96 on: February 14, 2010, 01:25:00 PM »
This pecan grove seemed custom-made for hog hunting.  Besides sprinkling a lot of corn under the trees, Shawn and I corned the road all the way to the stone wall.  We also dribbled some  along the hog trails that came out of the bottoms.  No matter which way the wind blew (and it changed almost daily), there was a great set-up.

On Wednesday, Shawn and I drove there to check on the corn.  It was about the middle of the afternoon and we didn't expect to see any animals.  Of course, there was a nice boar under the pecans.  It was white with black spots along its lower sides.  When it saw us, it turned to leave, but was none too fast about it.  It really wanted that corn.

On Thursday afternoon, we were back there early.  Shawn took a spot near the stone wall where many hogs -- very big ones -- had been moving through and hitting a bait pile there.  The wind was out of the east, so I sat across from the pecan trees in the open field.  There were some mesquites along the road that formed a natural blind for me.  

It wasn't long before I saw the white boar come up out of the bottoms.  He was taking a corned trail that ran along the north side of the pecans.  He was taking his sweet time, trying to suck up every last kernel.  I saw the opportunity to cut the distance, so screened by a downed pile of timber, I slipped up to about 25 yards.  It was incredibly tempting to let an arrow fly:  he was broadside without a clue I was there.  But if he continued feeding down the trail, he'd quarter away from me at less than 18 yards.  I decided to wait.

Have you heard the saying, "Perfect is the enemy of good"?  At just under 20 yards, as the hog was still screened by some small limbs, I moved my bow tip ever so slightly, maybe 6 inches.  The spotted hog caught it, looked hard at me, whirled and was gone, running back into the bottoms.  There are folks who say hogs have poor vision, but not that hog.  Spot's eyesight is 20/20.

I went back to my stool in the pasture, but didn't have long to wait.  The spotted hog was back, but this time he took a trail along the south side of the pecans.  He went to the north-south road and started eating corn.  I knew he'd follow it:  if he went south, he'd go to Shawn.  North, and I'd have another go.  He went north!  

The mesquites made a pretty good screen, so I again moved closer.  At 15 yards, Spot was still unaware of me.  This time my bow was up and I was ready to draw.  One small limb with some spines and twigs screened his vitals.  Another step or two and I could shoot.  The wind, which had been gentle but steady all afternoon, now dropped.  It was followed by a subtle swirl and Spot was gone.

I went back to the stool in the pasture.  The sun was still two fingers above the horizon, so there was plenty of time for more hogs to hit the corn.  Thirty minutes later, I saw a form slipping through tall grass.  Spot was back yet again, heading for the corned road.  He knew I was out there somewhere, though, and he frequently looked in my direction.  I knew Shawn had to see him, too, so moving slow and only taking a baby step or two at a time, I herded Spot down the road.  

I'm reluctant to finish this part, as the rest of this chapter rightfully belongs to Shawn.  I'll just say this much:  Shawn moved his bow tip ever so slightly and Spot saw it.  That hog might be a slow learner and a glutton, but he's got damn good eyes.

The next day, Friday, I enjoyed yet another go-round with the same hog.  More about that later...
TGMM Family of the Bow

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Offline Whip

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Re: Pig Gig Update
« Reply #97 on: February 14, 2010, 05:29:00 PM »
Woody, you sure do spin a good tale. I've already heard it in person, but still enjoy the telling.
We're still on the road but getting close now. Can't wait to see your pics - they are always very fine!
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Re: Pig Gig Update
« Reply #98 on: February 14, 2010, 05:40:00 PM »
On Friday afternoon, I took a short hike upriver from the pecan grove.  I headed back about 3:30 and from a couple hundred yards away I saw Spot munching away on corn.  I hunched as low as I could and tried to keep cover between us as I closed the distance.  At about 30 yards, Spot turned and fed facing me.  I froze bent over with my head slightly cocked so I could watch with one eye.  The hog moved around a fair bit, but always pointed in my direction.  After five minutes or so, my back was talking to me and it wasn't saying nice things.  Spot finally shifted enough that I could stand and get a few yards closer.  He soon turned again, though, and once more I was frozen in an awkward position.  Spasms ran up and down my right leg and through my lower back.  It only lasted a couple eternities, though, and Spot quartered away from me, with his head turned completely out of sight.

That was what I had hoped for.  My back creaked and popped as it unfolded.  I side-stepped one or two steps closer to cut the gap to about 27 or 28 yards.  I half-smiled to myself when I noticed that my knees were rubbery from excitement.  After all the years and all the hunts, the excitement is alive and well.

I drew, released, and watched the arrow slide just past the hog's shoulder.  It looked like the fletching almost passed close enough to graze his shoulder and jowl.  Spot jumped toward me when the flint-tipped arrow hit the clay bank behind him.  He noticed me then and wouldn't feed with the same gusto he'd shown before.  He'd take a mouthful and then eyeball me.  I tried to slip an arrow out of the quiver, moving a couple millimeters a year.  That was too much for him, though, and he headed back to the cover of the creek bottoms, pausing every 10 or 20 yards to look back.  I sat in a blowdown on the north side of the pecan trees and hoped he'd be back.

About 15 minutes before dark, I decided it was time to move.  Maybe I could run into Spot if he was cruising in the bottoms.  I did see him, but he saw me first.  Hunt over.  And that was fine.  That one hog had provided three days of anticipation and adrenaline.  Even though he wasn't going to fill my freezer, the other rewards, as intangible as they might be, were plenty nourishing.
TGMM Family of the Bow

"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."
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Offline knife river

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Re: Pig Gig Update
« Reply #99 on: February 14, 2010, 05:55:00 PM »
Drive safe, Whip!  I hope the storms aren't too bad.

Here are some other pics from the week.  You'll recognize most of the faces.  It's always the highlight of the year to share a camp with other traditional bowhunters.  Most were old friends, but some were friends I just hadn't had the chance to meet yet.  Skyler and Chase impressed me.  I was expecting older boys.  Instead I met poised, impressive young men.  Their fathers should be very, very proud.






TGMM Family of the Bow

"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."
  Martin Luther King, Jr.

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