A lot of interesting and thought provoking comments. Guys, I am going to hunt with this bow. It would indeed be a shame (to me at least) to have a bow that never loosed an arrow at an animal.
Originally, I was thinking a satin finish. Then I looked at the pictures of the gloss finish and was really impressed. Now I'm kinda leaning back towards the satin finish again. This bow will, I'm sure.......shoot a few arrows at 3D shoots and the like but it WILL be hunted with.
A bow is a tool, and to me....it is a tool that I will utilize in every legal means possible to do so.
Tom and Danny, you have addressed my main concerns with the gloss finish and it's showing of the least little marks. I remember when I was younger and getting a "wild hair"......I stripped down an older Chevy that I had and painted her black. Dang, she looked good......but she sure showed every little imperfection that she had. I love pretty, shiny things but the fact of the matter is.....she will show her scars much more with a gloss finish.
I'm thinking I oughta get her in a satin finish, which from looking at Norms website looks pretty darn good......at least to me.
snag........I really like the way that you think, and if the grip suits me (I'm getting the standard/medium grip) I am quite sure that in the future there will be another added to my rack.
Now if I don't change my mind again

I'll be set.