frassettor said: "I never really shoot at those distances. I have no need to."
Uhhhhh, yes you do have a need to, if you want to ace that elk on the first arrow. 8^)))))). The need is of course to build confidence as well as form. That forty-five yard shot won't seem so difficult, if you try a few at fifty-five or sixty yards.
I'm not sure why folks think they never should shoot past their comfort zone. Staying in that zone creates a warm and fuzzy spot to stay in, but when things start to unravel it can b e more difficult to recover. You are expecting to miss it the first shot.
If I were to give you any advice for that range of shot, I would tell you not to hunch over so much when shooting. A more erect stance (not bolt upright) will add to your draw length and allow for a greater range of shot possibilities. You are handicapping yourself with that style.
Look at Mr. Hill's shooting form; more erect...solid stance, and appears to be utilizing the form to get the best from his bow and arrow. I would suspect he has little trouble coming in on those longer targets.
But alas, you have to decide if you are happy doing what you are doing. I want to be able to put that arrow in the vitals at sixty yards, by simply concentrating, and putting that arrow tip on top of that vital.....that is close to my point-on distance.