Yesterday I was looking hard on here and some other websites for a new bow. I ended up putting in a call to Lewis Hollow ( Chris Sparks ). I had it narrowed down to one of his longbows or a longbow from Rick Ellis of Striker Bows. Both are made here in Ohio. I was not wanting to spend the money for a brand new bow but I was prepared too. I a little later in the day got on a well know website for selling anything and everything with no auction. I was looking for a lawn mower for a friend on this site and the thought crossed my mind to do a seach for bows in my area. I was totally shocked when I found an ad for a striker longbow about 30 min. from my house.......The guy was selling the bow and arrows and quiver and glove and a bag target for $200 dollars!!!!!
As you can imagine my first thoughts were the bow is beat up really bad, or this is a typo, or the guy has to have sold this bow already, or this is a scam....
I call the guy and he tells me he still has the bow. He has only shot it a handful of times and has never taken it in the woods. He said he doesnt like it and he is going to stick with a crossbow. I made arrangements to meet him that night to look at the bow and I told him I would not buy it if it was beat up and he assured me he wasnt wasting my time. I was still sceptical obviuosly. I couldnt believe I was holding a 60" 53#@28" 9.9/10 Striker Stinger longbow with a bowstringer, Bag target, damascus glove, arm guard, quiver, and 5 2018 easton legacy arrows...... for 200 bucks!!!
I am not usually this lucky.....a $655 dollar bow with around $100 dollars in other items for that price was my lucky day. The guy said he tried to sell it on **** and he tried to sell it in a local bow shop.