I've been hunting with a 32", (BOP) 2213 since 1973 out of my recurve bows I've owned since that time. I don't find 2213s to be fragile. I use XX75 and XX78 in Camo Hunters or X7 Elcipse arrows. They do fine on bullfrogs, rabbits, javelina, small feral hogs 200 pounds and under and whitetail deer when I use my 42# recurve. This arrow weighs 555 grains and it's tipped with a STOS 145 grain glue on 2 blade broadhead.
On a sidenote, my 41# longbow and my 37# recurve shoot a 32" (BOP), 2212 XX78 X7 Eclipse arrow. This arrow weighs 519-524 grains with the same STOS 145 grain glue on 2 blade broadhead. The discrepancy in the 5 grains, is because the 37# recurve bow (524 grains) has a fast flight string while the 41# longbow (519 grains) has a dacron string. No problems on whitetail deer.
All of my bows are probably shooting more grains per pound than other people with their arrows.