Last night I noticed the DVR had recorded a new episode of Easton Bowhunting, the only hunting TV show I consider worth watching. I rather admire Fred as like me, he chooses to be as trad as he wants to be, and I openly admire his skill with a recurve...
Long story short, last night using his Palmer TD recurve, he arrows a major league Coues buck square through the heart from a gound blind at a measured 34 yards! I was about floored as those itty bitty deer are about the size of a big ND buck jackrabbit. Complete pass through, and talk about blood! the deer took off across the waterhole, leaving it looking like a shark had killed something in it!
I'm curious if anyone knows exactly what type of setup ol' Fred shoots, and his style?
He said he was using Easton Axis 400s and Muzzy Phantom 125's. He made no mention of any extra weight or brass inserts, and they looked to be fletched 3-4" feathers over a 7" wrap, maybe 30" BOP. Unless he added weight he didn't mention, I would be surprised if his arrow weighs in at more than 500 grains.
Doesn't appear he shoots major weight, either. I punched the above numbers into Stu's calculator and came up with a spine of 72#, but I didn't get the impression he was drawing near that much. He doesn't look to have a long draw, and is super smooth.
His style looks to be some type of gap. Although he shoots with a lot of cant, it appears too deliberate for true instinctive.
Anyone have any intel?...