I've gotten my last couple H2s and H56s from G&M Archery in Minnesota. Greg had the woods, lengths, and draw weights I wanted in stock and I had the bows in my hot little hands three days after ordering. Fast shipping, and Greg is a great guy to deal with.
Chad is a great guy to deal with, but doesn't keep anything in stock as a rule. No slight on Chad intended, that's just the way he does his thing. Greg just keeps a good supply of H2s and H56s on hand & and ready to ship, so I call him first when I'm in the market...
Special orders through either will take a good 9-10 months for delivery. No two ways around that.
Have also gotten a couple in-stock from Height Archery in Winnipeg. The Canadian postal system is slow though, it took 2-3 weeks for delivery, and I only live 180 miles from Winnipeg! Height will also order for you, but add the above couple weeks to the usual 9-10 month backlog at Chek Mate...
PM sent, Three Fingers...