Im fairly new to the sight and just love all the info thats on here and thought I would share my experianc with BW today. I orderd a PCH test drive and received it last week and boy it was a looker
It was a 54" 50#@28 Honduras Rosewood with an Asbell grip. This was my first BW experiance and didnt know what to expect ( I actually set my expectations to high) :( Nothing bad about the bow it jst didnt fit me, the grip, the weight, I was very inconsistant. I tried to stay positive through the week and realy give it a good shot at winning me over but I sent it back today without knowing what my next step was going to be :( I gave BW a call because I had some Qs about the return lable and got John on the phone. He answered my Q and asked if there was anything else he could help me with and so I told him my dalema, and he said this is what I would like to do for you if youll let me.......I was all ears!
Iv heard of their Customer Service but now Iv experianced it and boy it feels good
It shur eases ones mind about spending a grand on a bow, thx BW!