Ben, you Aussies got it great in the pig department!
Biggie - yep, when in Rome, you know...I got a story about (trying) to eat an Ozzie pig...I was going to shoot a little football sized pig we'd been seeing every day for Chef Brunner (the Short Guy) to cook up some 5-star meal with - he was gonna convert the Aussies on pig-eatin'. We (RicMic and I) snuck in on the carcass of my buffalo (out in the sun for 3 or 4 days...yeah, you can imagine that) and into the middle of a big hog fight, I was waiting for the victor to return to his prize (a big, stinky, pile of buffalo) when the little rooter (US slang, not the Aussie term
) and his momma came in. Before I had a chance to get Chef Brunner his pig in a blanket the little fella bailed into the abdominal cavity of the defunct buffalo and started slurping it down. Right then I figured the Aussies knew more about eating those pigs than I did. The little guy got to enjoy his meal - and the last black boar in my pics above came in to chase off everybody else and got a STOS through the lungs. I don't think the little pig ever even crawled out of the gut pile to see what all the commotion was about.