First, your 250 shafts are likely way too stiff for your set-up. You might try the 150, the GT 35-55, or the Vapor 2000 if you want to stay with carbon.
Next, when bare shaft tuning remember that when the arrow is fletched it will "stiffen" the shaft, thus causing the arrow to hit left for a right handed shooter. If you bare shaft tune for a slightly weak shaft...(I like mine 4-5" weak), your fletched shaft should hit dead center. Also, remember not to cant your bow while tuning.
As for the wobbling shaft, look at your nock point first and adjust it up or down to see if this helps. Also, adjust your brace height...try raising it a bit.
I think that all of the above will get your arrows flying the way they should. If not, let us know and we'll continue to help until you have worked the bugs out of your set up.