I have thoroughly enjoyed my transition from compounds to trad and understand the Popular Mechanics trend dicussed today. However, I am a bowHunter and still want to increase my chance for a quick, ethical kill (in this case aid recovery). I have never shot a turkey with a bow, but realize it is a tall order, and thanks to some great vital pictures I found on this sight I feel comfortable in where to aim. So my question is: What experiences do any of you have? Is a tracker worth using or is it breaking into the popular mechancis ground-- "one more thing to fail" "non-trad" or more importantly "non effective" . I am still relying on my skill to make the shot and won't take a marginal one because the "magical" tracker will solve the problem of a bad shot. I just want to recover my kill, because I hear even a "dead" bird can cover a lot of ground. Plus I am on the edge of a suburban area and would like to keep a low profile on any tracking jobs. Thanks.