I think I'd stick with a Woodsman or Razorcap personally... Might even go with a Snuffer 125 or 160... I'd probably use one of my 73# / 74# Cougars with my 75/95 Goldtips and any of the heads weighted to 200 grains. I'd be willing to bet that broadhead would be out if not sticking in the dirt out the other side. If I were to use one of my 60# - 65# Shawnees I'd opt for a 2-blade. Probably a Silver Flame DS or XL, Magnus 1, or Zephyr Sasquatch. I like the looks of the new Centaur heads but haven't tried them as of yet... If I were forced to go with my lighter Cougar (55#) I'd probably use the Steel Force 2-blades I have.
So, long story short, I'd probably go with a narrowish 2-blade if I were in your situation and had moose on the agenda... Magnus Stinger, Steel Force, Silver Flame, STOS, Grizzly to name a few, but there are others.