I've been doing my own processing for the past 12 years, here's our process:
We went to the local scratch and dent Sears store and bought a frig / freezer that had metal racks. Definitely need the racks not the glass shelves. I think we spent around $250.
We also bought a Cabelas 1 hp grinder,a vacuum sealer, a couple nice knives and a few grey meat tubs. All in all another $300 bucks.
*A little over $500 to get started. I paid between $500 and $700 the year prior for processing fees. Butchers in our area get around $70 bucks per deer.
Once I get a deer back to the house no matter what the weather I skin it, remove the inners, remove the back straps, remove the front shoulders and debone the hind quarters. It will take about 30 minutes.
I than lay out all the cuts on the frig grates and cover with saran wrap, this cuts down on drying out of the meat. 5 days later I cut up the meat and grind the scraps and front shoulders.
The only inconvenience is having two deer down at once, the frig can get full but this is the only thing the frig is used for.
An average doe turns out around 16 meals. 4 from the back straps, 4 roasts, 6 packs of ground, 2 packs of chunk meat and breakfast for the inners.
No worry's if we got my deer or someone who left theirs in the truck for a week. We know exactly what's in the ground meat. We know how long the deer aged and we vacuum seal and label everything the way we want.
All in all well worth the time and money.