Today in SW Michigan was absolutely beautful. Hope it was in your neigborhood. I spent most of the day in side 4 walls with no windows. Like most at work! Came home and thought what a nice evening to go out back and cast a few shafts. Shot some judos at threating looking grass tuffs. And worked my way outback looking for that one target. For you that target in the past may have been a deer. Or just a plain old stump. But when it all comes down and you make the shot. And it turns out to be a shot you will never forget. Is what makes it all so good.
Today for me it was a great trophy just a plain old stump. But that stump had one very distinct spot. And there I was drawn, it was 22 to 26 yards out. I do not know, I do know where my arrow went. Gotta love instictive shooting and the feeling it gives you when it all works.
It may have just been a old stump, but it was a great shot. Mostly luck on my part, but one of those that gives so much back.
Do you have one that you can share, if so please do. It don't have to have the arrow sticking out of it. It can be just one picture or story that means the most to you.