Those who cannot tie knots, tie lots?
1. Bowline: creates a single loop that will not slip under strain
2. Constrictor Knot: Creates a viselike grip on a curved object, good for securing bags, hanging tools, etc.
3. Double sheet bend: great for joining two ropes
4. Tautline Hitch: A strong, adjustible loop great for tent guylines, clothes line, etc.
5. Clove Hitch: Attach rope to an object - great for mooring a boat, temporary dog lashing, etc.
6. Prusiks Knot: great for treestand safety while climbing
7. Double fishermans: Another great 2 rope joiner
8. Figure 8: Great climbing knot
These are a good start - many fall under different names depending on where you learn them but all are useful. I am a big fan of good knot tying and use. Good knots hold when they are suppose to and come loose when you are done. Do a Google search on knots and you will find some great web diagrams for all of them. "Monkey Fist" is another fun one but does not have a ton of uses.
Bob Urban