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Author Topic: Supernatural experience  (Read 34413 times)

Offline highpoint forge

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #100 on: February 19, 2010, 05:22:00 PM »
Yikes again. Next move would be Carl Lewis in the other direction.....owl-like human. That's creepy as all get out.
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Offline Trooper

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #101 on: February 19, 2010, 05:31:00 PM »
About 15 years ago, when I still hunted with a rifle, I was walking to my 3-wheeler from a morning hunt when a buck jumped up and started running.  I shot at it and could tell that I hit it good but it kept running. I was hunting in south Louisiana swampland.  I found a blood trail and followed it for about 2 hrs and the blood stopped.  Not wanting to lose this deer I continued to run compass readings and kept looking for that buck for another 2 or 3 hours and made it back to spot where I last found blood.  By this time I was tired and disgusted with myself. I fell on my knees and told God that I did not want to lose this deer and I CAN'T find it without His help.  I asked Him to please help me.  It was then that I heard a noise behind me and while still on my knees I turned to see a Walker (deer trailing dog) sitting behind me!  I called that dog over and put his nose to the trail and he took off yelping like Walkers do when they are on a deer.  To make a long story short, that dog found the deer for me.  I had to put another bullet in the deer but I finally got it.  Was that dog sent to me by God, you betcha!!
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Offline Bonebuster

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #102 on: February 19, 2010, 07:32:00 PM »
Thanks to one and all for sharing.

I think it was October 1995. I was perched in a hang on stand, guarding some White Oak acorns on my in-laws property in central lower Michigan.

The sun was setting, and it was going to be the first really chilly night of the year...not a breath of wind.

I catch some movement, and because it`s so quiet, I`m afraid to move. I see a strange looking black shape...moving slowly.

As I watch it get closer, I cannot identify it, nor is it making a sound. When it finnally gets close enough, I can see it is a "ball" of very small black butterflies, or possibly moths. All of them flying in very close quarters forming a ball of sorts...slowly moving through the trees.
The "ball" was about two feet across, and it passed by about three feet from the base of the tree I was in. It (they) just silently moved out of sight.

Maybe not supernatural, but certainly strange to say the least.

Be brave, facts are often stranger than fiction.

Offline Longbow Jake

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #103 on: February 19, 2010, 11:18:00 PM »
Thats pretty neat Bonebuster I always heard butterflies were good luck   :thumbsup:
Death Before Dinner.  God is my camera man.   I Love Motorcycles and I Love Bow Hunting But I don't Mix The two I don't put wheels on my Bows

Offline Brian Krebs

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #104 on: February 20, 2010, 01:32:00 AM »
Hoyt I worked with a lady that said she had a mouse problem at home. I told her she could trap them or poison them. I told her how to do each way.
  She called me a couple days later and was totally freaked out. Her husband had run away from it. ( He ran out and jumped in the car and took off). She pleaded for my help- and I showed up.
  She had put a mouse trap under the sink; and poison in a drawer next to the sink.
 In the drawer - was a mouse with its head in the poison bait box; and the mouse trap from under the sink on its entire back leg.
 They were convinced the mouse had decided it was dying... and poisoned itself.
  Goes on the list of 'things I should a took a picture of'.

Offline Bonecracker

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #105 on: February 22, 2010, 09:47:00 AM »
Here is another on for yall!!

A few years ago I was on a solo Bivy bow hunt for elk and was about 5/6 miles from the nearest road. Now elk hunting on you own is not easy, but sleeping alone at nite was more difficut than I thought. At times I was glad I had my I-pod for some music and change of pace to wind-up the day. Near the end of my 6 day hunt, I had glassed up a nice 6pt with about 7/9 cows that were beaded on a mtn side facing North. They were at least a 2 hour hike away and evening was closing in on me fast. I decided to try and make a move on them before dark or get close enough to do something in the morning.  As fate would have it I just missed a good shooting opportunity so I decided not to pressure them and try them again in the morning.

While decending the Mtn I came upon a beat-up old cabin that was intack and curiosity got the best of me.  I went over to check it out and as I looked in the cabin it was bigger than I thought and over in the corner was alot of old camping gear (lantern, fuel, tarp, sleeping bag,etc). Most of the floor n the cabin was gone and it was very, very, dirty so I actually did go inside the cabin. Over to the right was a door that was semi closed with the floor being intack on that side of the cabin. Being the brave person I am, I did not look in the back room as it really gave me that strange feeling you get when things do not feel rite! I guess you would call it the hebbie-jebbies.

It was getting dark and I need to find a place to pitch my tent and eat some food as this was my last evening in the back country. Since I was on a steep Mtn side it was difficult to find a level place to pitch my tent and I ended up camping about 100yds from the cabin. I did not think much about where I set my tent up, becasue I was more concerned with getting some food im my system while listening to the sound of elk bulging in the back ground! Wow what a nite! I was beat and climbed into my sleeping bag and went to sleep quickly.

Around 2/3 in the morning I woke up to someone or something walking around my tent and I was on alert with my SW Snub-nose 38 by my side. I am not dumb and this sounded more like a person walking around, not a 4 legged creature! The wind started blowing harder and harder and it made it difficult to decern what was going on  and that bugged me even more. Some where around 5am I got out of my tent (pistol in hand) and made some breakfast as I was very hungery that morning! While heating some water for breakfast the bulls started bugling again and that grabed my attention fast as I wanted that big 6X6 bad.

After breakfast I made the decision to get climb higher to get a better vantage point upon which to glass from as I did not want to spook the elk from yesterday evening. While walking n the dark I passed by that damn cabin and I sware it made the hair stand up on the back of my neck!! But I pushed on as I had a date with a 6X6. While glassing the elk I could see some of the cabin and I sware I saw a light come on in the cabin and then it went off (am I seeing things?). My elk were now on the move and I went back into my hunting mode! Make a long story short I passed up a shot on a smaller satellite bull (dumb on the last day of your elk hunt) and just missed another opportunity at the big 6X6!

Afterwards, I hiked back to my camp and was dumb founded at what I found. My tent was cut up and trashed, my good down sleeping bag was ripped to pieces, and someone head gone through my gear and had taken stuff (clothes and food) but for some reason my SN 38 was left alone inside my sleeping bag.

I packed up my gear quickly and got my GPS out to find the trail that led me back to my truck as I had a long 26 hour drive home.  As I was hiking out of there, I stopped at a good restings spot and glanced back upwards toward where I had come from and u could still see the cabin with your naked eye and it gave me the cold chills again for some reason. I took my pack off to rest and drink some water as I had been a very long and hard going for 6 days of bivy hunting. After a 10 min rest, I picked up my pack and bow got the heck out of there as I had a 5 mild downhill hike ahead of me!!

Once back at the truck I had some cold beer on ice and I sat there reflecting on what had just happened to me while looking up at the beautiful mountains! All of a sudden I sware I saw a siginal mirrow flash 2-3-4 times up in the same area I was chasing those elk! I could not see the cabin from the truck but the flash came from the same area and man did that give me the chills again!!  Reflecting back on what happened, I think the odds are more in favor of someone messing with you than something messing with you in the backcountry! That was a very difficult >>>----> scary nite alone in the backcountry wilderness!!!!!!           :help:
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Offline Longbow Jake

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #106 on: February 22, 2010, 02:06:00 PM »
That sucks Bonecracker I'd be pretty mad about that atleast you had a revolver on ya I always feel better in a scary situation with a reliable weapon that has multiple shot's     :bigsmyl:    .
Death Before Dinner.  God is my camera man.   I Love Motorcycles and I Love Bow Hunting But I don't Mix The two I don't put wheels on my Bows

Offline Bonecracker

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #107 on: February 22, 2010, 02:58:00 PM »
I felt like I stumbled upon someone was living in the cabin and this was there way to getting rid of me! No tent, no sleeping bag, no extra clothes, and no food ment I had to go home! And I might add, this was not done by an animal. That is what bothered me the most that night as I could hear quiet walking outside of my tent when the wind would lay down. What was really weird, I could feel the presence of another earlier when I first went into the cabin!! Can't explain that one!! Never been in that situtaion before and that scared me more than with an animal such as a bear!! Total loss for the tent, down sleeping bag, and clothes was more than $400.00!   :banghead:
"The trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money."

Offline beaver#1

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #108 on: February 22, 2010, 05:36:00 PM »
with my job i am in the swamps and woods at night all the time.  i learned early that something does not feel right then most of the time its not.  had that feeling the other night, picked up my chair and shotgun and left.
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Offline Bear

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #109 on: February 22, 2010, 07:30:00 PM »
Well, I put it off long enough. I'll start by saying I'm not into ghost stuff. I am a man of faith, and believe in the spiritual realm, but not ghosts per se. That said, I believe there is a lot we generally don't percieve in our present incarnation. What don't we percieve? Who knows?

It was my senior year of high school. My buddy and I were hunting hogs behind my house in Brantley Co GA. Lots of swamps and palmetto country. Shooting light was coming to an end when we heard four-legged animals approaching parralell to our trail. They were only a few feet off the trail, so it was kind of spooky how close they got. My buddy stayed put and I moved up the trail, around a bend, hoping they would cross the open path we were on. It was thick and getting darker, so that was the only hope of a shot. I got real close to the animals, which at this point sounded more like deer than hogs, but never sealed the deal.

It was now too dark to anything but head home. My buddy had been within sight the entire time back at the bend of the trail, maybe about 50-60 yards away. Even in the dusky dark I had been able to see him because of his blaze orange. When I gave up on the critters I turned and started walking towards him. All I could make out now was the blaze orange, but could tell he was sitting or kneeling next to the trail. As soon as I was close enough to talk without yelling, I laughed and said "Thought I was gonna get a shot, man". He didn't answer or move, and the intuition of something amiss instantly struck me. It was like you flipped the switch on fear at that very moment, which is interesting considering I have experienced things equally or more strange and felt nothing.

I walked closer and assertively said "Brett!" I was now close enough to make out his entire form in the dark, but again he made not a move nor sound. He was just looking forward like I wasn't there. I assumed he was in a stare off with one of those close deer, but also felt increasingly uneasy. I said "What do you see?"... "Brett!!" I was only feet away.

He got up without making a sound or aknowledging me, and walked off into the woods. I was instantly terrified by the fact that he made no noise whatsoever on the dry leaves, and the bushes didn't move as he passed trough them. I began shouting, "Dont f$#* with me, man!!"

At that moment, as I watched what I thought was Brett walking away noislessly, THE REAL BRETT ran up behind me and said "What, What?!" It never was him!! Brett had been further down the trail all along. So who had I been in sight of and talking to this whole time?? Now I really came unglued. I was still watching this "person" that looked ghostly and made no noise walk around in the woods in front of me. Brett grabbed my shoulders and hid behind me, clearly terrified just by my actions, even though he didn't see it. I began yelling profanities and threats of shooting "him". It just walked away and disappeared. It never did aknowledge me.

So that's it. I know what I saw, but I don't know what I was seeing.       :readit:       I have often thought the best explanation was that I had a residual image of the blaze orange in my eyes/mind and that I just superimposed it even though he wasn't there. Kind of like a sun spot on your eye, ya know? And that it floated wherever I looked. If you've ever had an image burned in your eyes, you know what I mean. In college I would read music for so long that when I looked up at the blank white wall I could still see the music written across the wall.

Thing is, I saw "it" stand and walk. I saw human form. And it moved more randomly than a mind/retina image.

I just dont know. I tend to fall back on the explanation I described. But when I remember the experience, there was a strong intuition and observations that don't hold up to that explanation. If it gives any indication how real it was to me, I was home alone (Dad out of town), and I spent that entire night wide awake, back to the corner, with my Marlin 1894 44 mag across my lap.
Twin Oaks Bowhunters
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Offline the longbowkid

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #110 on: February 22, 2010, 07:52:00 PM »
watching turkeys fly down in the morning 10 yardsd from your stand, and you never had a clue they were there. pretty startling
Anneewakee Addiction longbow 56" 50@28

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  -John G. Mitchell, "The Hunt"

Offline beaver#1

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #111 on: February 23, 2010, 01:02:00 PM »
have i not commanded you? be strong and of good courage;be not afraid or discouraged:for the Lord your God is with you where ever you go. joshua 1:9

Offline Longbow Jake

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #112 on: February 23, 2010, 01:40:00 PM »
It was me bear glad you did'nt shoot me lol just playin thats a spooky one my friend keep these coming guy's good read.
Death Before Dinner.  God is my camera man.   I Love Motorcycles and I Love Bow Hunting But I don't Mix The two I don't put wheels on my Bows

Offline Acuna

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #113 on: February 23, 2010, 04:32:00 PM »
Like some of the others have posted, I feel it is important to say that I am a man of faith.  A proud Christian, who is not one to believe in ghosts.  That being said, I have had some experiences throughout the years that makes me feel as if there is something out there.  I am not saying I have a gift or anything like that, just that I have felt the presence of things that have no correlation to the world around me.  Perhaps it is just in my mind.  Then again, there is the following true story I would like to share with you....

It was the fall of 2000, and I had leased a tract of land with another guy in Williamson County, Texas.  It was glorious piece of property located along the banks of the San Gabriel River.  It was deer country, but something more along the lines of what you would expect in the midwest.  Fields surrounded by thickets that tumbled down to the river.  Scrub brush and other flora you would associate with Texas were not there.  As a result, the fall leaves were amazing and it really was a great place to wander amongst the trees and through the fields.

The arrangement I made with Chris, the guy who found the lease and who was splitting it with me was that I would hunt the south end and he would hunt the north end.  That way we wouldn't step on each other's toes and could better enjoy our time.  The sounth end had a particularly large field that was right by the river.  To get there you would park in a little clearing in a stand of oak trees and walk down an old two track to the field, which was planted in hay.

I don't know why, but every time I walked into that field I would be overcome with a sense of sadness.  It was a sorrow of days lost, and it had an old, almost forgotten feeling to it.  It was irrational and spooky and I forced myself to disregard it.  It didn't take long for me to notice the pattern of this feeling hitting me every time I entered the field.  I eventually hung a stand on the southern tip of the field overlooking a feeder creek at the end of summer, and during the early bow season would hunt it often due to its proximity to water.

Perhaps because I was hunting and my senses were attuned to their maximum, but I would invariably get the feeling I was being watched while I sat in my stand.  The sense I had was that the watching was coming from the north end of the field right where a little extra pocket of clearing was cut.  Truthfully, I just guessed I spooked myself and did not give it much thought.

October turned into November and soon Thanksgiving was upon me.  Despite all the family obligations, I wanted to hunt hard and decided to give Chris a call.  We had not talked much during the last couple of weeks and got to talking about a variety of things.  I can't remember how it came up but he told me he was speaking with the landowner and was told there was a grave on the property and that it was likely on my half.  The story according to the landowner was that it was a child's grave from the mid to late 1800's.  The grave had not been looked for or found in decades and was more a myth than verified fact.  The story is that when the settlers were coming across the countrysie they stopped and camped by the river.  While camped, one of the children got bit by a snake at the river and died.  Her family buried her where they were camping and then went on their way to parts unknown.  

As soon as he told me this I knew exactly where the grave was and told him (albeit in a vague and round about way) that I had a "feeling" the grave was on the north end of the field.  We made plans to meet up and see if we could find it.

Sure enough, on the Saturday after Thanksgiving we made our way up towards the north end of the field and about 20 yards in- exactly where I felt someone was watching me- was a grave.  The day was one of those cold, overcast days and the air was still.  It set a somber and quiet tone for our discovery.

The grave was old, and the headstone was crudely made with basic tools.  The stone itself was a native Texas limestone and it had a small rock border, also of limestone.  Over 100 years of weather had made the writing all but impossible to read, but the date of death as 18--.  Based on the dimensions of the border the person who died was small and most likely a child.  Even today, almost 10 years later I get chills typing this.

It was a very spooky experience and I definitely felt something was always watching me in that field.  This, obviously, is not a "ghost story." Yet the correlation of aeverything definitely qualifies this as a "supernatural" experience.

And I did not renew the lease, in part because of the grave and the continued presence I felt in the field.

Offline ronp

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #114 on: February 23, 2010, 05:08:00 PM »
These are very eerie, yet fascinating! Keep them coming.
PS - Mine isn't hunting related so I will keep quiet.
Ron Purdy

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #115 on: February 23, 2010, 05:16:00 PM »
I also am a card carrying Christian (WIP) albeit not someone you'd likely mistake as Pearly Gatekeeper. In college I wrote a paper on Esp & Paranormal Psychology. Never had a supernatural experience myself; but, I have substantial & credible evidence of those I interviewed for the paper including my GF (a professor) & her 2 college grad sisters & others.

There ARE things outside our normal 3-D realm we cannot explain. Only the pinnacle of egos would dismiss simply because they can't explain it. Why some & not others experience these events? Christianity teaches the Trinity including Holy Ghost. Good enough for me.

Fascinating stories. Thanks. Keep 'em coming.
Buddy Bell

Trad is 60% mental & about 40% mental.

Offline Missouri Bowman

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #116 on: February 23, 2010, 05:24:00 PM »
OK since this is here and going.  Its been many years ago when I first began with tradional archery. It was middle of the day and I was walking a trail in the woods back to my starting place. I had my bow in hand and just walking, but the whole time I kept feeling like something was watching me and I would look but never saw anyone.  The area was all trees and some brush that I was walking by. I had an arrow nocked and decided to put it away and just walk, not hunt. Then at one point I thought I heard something again and there he was a large coyote walking with me about 10 feet away walking my direction,next to me, not looking my way, just walking straight ahead. I walked thru brush and I would loose sight and then see him again. At one point I nocked an arrow and looked and he was gone. It was like he knew and just vanished. What is even more strange is I've had coyotes follow me on other ocassions. I always tell myself they figure I'm hunting and are waiting for me to clean my game and have the leftovers. I hope.

Offline beaver#1

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #117 on: February 23, 2010, 05:33:00 PM »
wish critters would follow me around. make my job alot easier.
have i not commanded you? be strong and of good courage;be not afraid or discouraged:for the Lord your God is with you where ever you go. joshua 1:9

Offline kill shot

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #118 on: February 23, 2010, 07:43:00 PM »
These stories are good enough to be on the history channel.

Offline turkeyslayer

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #119 on: February 23, 2010, 09:14:00 PM »
Last october i decided to hunt this small block of woods that was right in the middle of a thick crp field,i had always drove past it and finally decided to try it,when i started scouting it out i came across some old graves,early to mid 1800's,so i started going from grave to grave reading and just wondering why all these people died so young,seems like back then if you did make it thru childhood you still were most likely to die by the age 45,anyway as i was looking at all these graves and i came up on one of a woman that was born on june 20,and died like 45yrs later on june 20........My birthday is JUNE 20. How often do you come across a tombstone with your birthday on it once much less twice & out in the middle of the woods........also i turned 45 yrs old last june 20. Kinda game me the creeps a little but i still hunted there the next morning.

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