Well, I put it off long enough. I'll start by saying I'm not into ghost stuff. I am a man of faith, and believe in the spiritual realm, but not ghosts per se. That said, I believe there is a lot we generally don't percieve in our present incarnation. What don't we percieve? Who knows?
It was my senior year of high school. My buddy and I were hunting hogs behind my house in Brantley Co GA. Lots of swamps and palmetto country. Shooting light was coming to an end when we heard four-legged animals approaching parralell to our trail. They were only a few feet off the trail, so it was kind of spooky how close they got. My buddy stayed put and I moved up the trail, around a bend, hoping they would cross the open path we were on. It was thick and getting darker, so that was the only hope of a shot. I got real close to the animals, which at this point sounded more like deer than hogs, but never sealed the deal.
It was now too dark to anything but head home. My buddy had been within sight the entire time back at the bend of the trail, maybe about 50-60 yards away. Even in the dusky dark I had been able to see him because of his blaze orange. When I gave up on the critters I turned and started walking towards him. All I could make out now was the blaze orange, but could tell he was sitting or kneeling next to the trail. As soon as I was close enough to talk without yelling, I laughed and said "Thought I was gonna get a shot, man". He didn't answer or move, and the intuition of something amiss instantly struck me. It was like you flipped the switch on fear at that very moment, which is interesting considering I have experienced things equally or more strange and felt nothing.
I walked closer and assertively said "Brett!" I was now close enough to make out his entire form in the dark, but again he made not a move nor sound. He was just looking forward like I wasn't there. I assumed he was in a stare off with one of those close deer, but also felt increasingly uneasy. I said "What do you see?"... "Brett!!" I was only feet away.
He got up without making a sound or aknowledging me, and walked off into the woods. I was instantly terrified by the fact that he made no noise whatsoever on the dry leaves, and the bushes didn't move as he passed trough them. I began shouting, "Dont f$#* with me, man!!"
At that moment, as I watched what I thought was Brett walking away noislessly, THE REAL BRETT ran up behind me and said "What, What?!" It never was him!! Brett had been further down the trail all along. So who had I been in sight of and talking to this whole time?? Now I really came unglued. I was still watching this "person" that looked ghostly and made no noise walk around in the woods in front of me. Brett grabbed my shoulders and hid behind me, clearly terrified just by my actions, even though he didn't see it. I began yelling profanities and threats of shooting "him". It just walked away and disappeared. It never did aknowledge me.
So that's it. I know what I saw, but I don't know what I was seeing.

I have often thought the best explanation was that I had a residual image of the blaze orange in my eyes/mind and that I just superimposed it even though he wasn't there. Kind of like a sun spot on your eye, ya know? And that it floated wherever I looked. If you've ever had an image burned in your eyes, you know what I mean. In college I would read music for so long that when I looked up at the blank white wall I could still see the music written across the wall.
Thing is, I saw "it" stand and walk. I saw human form. And it moved more randomly than a mind/retina image.
I just dont know. I tend to fall back on the explanation I described. But when I remember the experience, there was a strong intuition and observations that don't hold up to that explanation. If it gives any indication how real it was to me, I was home alone (Dad out of town), and I spent that entire night wide awake, back to the corner, with my Marlin 1894 44 mag across my lap.