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Author Topic: Supernatural experience  (Read 34422 times)

Offline dan d

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #140 on: February 25, 2010, 09:48:00 PM »
This is a great post !  Good reading here    :campfire:
Compton member & Michigan Traditional Bowhunter member.

Offline Dax

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #141 on: February 25, 2010, 10:28:00 PM »
Nothing ever good comes when I see pairs of white birds....nothing good at all....

Offline Whump

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #142 on: February 25, 2010, 11:53:00 PM »
Whump Sez; I call this one "Foot Steps In The Dark"  Back in the 70,s I was hunting an area that was about 1/2 mile back in a thicket that bordered a large pasture. I could walk down 26 fence posts, turn into the thicket and go straight to my stand. In those days I never carried a light and went to my stand in the dark and came out the same way. It was the last week of season and cold weather was in Alabama so the leaves were like walking on potato chips. I climbed down that evening with a full moon shinning over my shoulder and started out. After traveling about 100 yds I thought I heard foot falls behind me, so I stopped and I could swear I heard something take about 1 or 2 steps and stop also. The shadows were long from the moon shinning in that thicket and I could not make out a shape of anything. I started off again and immediately heard the same thing--foot falls behind me. I stopped to listen and what ever it was took 2 more steps broke a stick and it stopped much closer this time.  There was no doubt now something was behind me.  About this time I was adding up the distance to the open field where I was sure I could see what ever it was and the fact that every time I stopped the bugger was gaining two steps on me.[Emphasis here on gaining 2 steps] I can tell you I had a hard time not breaking into a run. I decided to start walking and not stop again until I reached the field or was in a wrestling match. As I walked it sounded like an elephant walking behind me but I kept up the pace until I reached the field. I have never been so glad to see a field in my life. I jumped a 5 strand barbed wire fence and ran into the pasture and taunted the beast  "come out of there you @#$&&%%##". I didn't use those exact words but I don't want to get kicked off Trad Gang typing what I called that thing. Nothing ever came into the light and to this day I have no idea what it was---I don't know if it was supernatural but it nearly turned my pants Super brown.   :scared:   Hunt safe

Offline Mark Zagrzebski

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #143 on: February 26, 2010, 02:36:00 AM »
Very interesting reading, keep the stories coming!!

Offline jerry r baker

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #144 on: February 26, 2010, 02:39:00 AM »
yes i see how beautful GOD made all living things

Online lunatic11

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #145 on: February 26, 2010, 07:08:00 PM »
lunatic11 sez ; great story Whump !!!

Offline JAG

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #146 on: February 26, 2010, 07:58:00 PM »
Whump, was this possibly in Bullock Co.?  Had something quite like it happen to me in Hardaway Swamp!
IBEP - Chairman Alabama
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Offline Bonebuster

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #147 on: February 26, 2010, 08:22:00 PM »
Dang Whump, you got me watching my backtrail here in my house!!!

I`d have been on a full run right after the stick broke.

I just know there are alot of stories to be told, that the owners are holding back.  :campfire:

Offline TimRadke

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #148 on: February 26, 2010, 11:35:00 PM »
I was going to tell a story of a few exact moments where God has provided for me at in-coincidental times while in the woods... But since you can't get more natural than God providing, it wouldn't fit in a "supernatural" thread.
Byron Ferguson Patriot
58# @ 28"

49# @ 26"

>')///><            <-------[[[[

Offline Arrowhead80

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #149 on: February 26, 2010, 11:40:00 PM »
I'm gonna hunt with a loaded pistol,bright light,and wear a pair of tennis shoes to run in now.I ain't gonna be looking for deer as hard as i am critters now.Yall got me skeered.Had some weird crap happen around here from time to time but it's too late to type it up tonight.I've read all the pages of this tonight and now going to bed.I bet i have a sasquatch or goblin dream tonight.I ain't had my hair stand this many times in one night ever.
Possum the other white meat

Offline straitera

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #150 on: February 27, 2010, 12:28:00 AM »
Galveston was a port city during the Civil War & many old houses & buildings remain. LSS, I scared an older gray haired lady coming down her tall wooden steps 8-10' to her mailbox right at the bottom next to the fence. I stopped to talk to her awhile to put her at ease. She lived alone in the big Civil War era 2 story house since her husband died nearly 10 years earlier.

With my interest in big older houses & the paranormal, I soon had her telling me about her ghosts. I asked specific questions trying to qualify her sanity.

I was standing in the street looking up towards her and could see farther up beyond to the screen door at the top of the porch. She told of 3 children's graves in the backyard circa CW with a CW cannon buried deep on another side of the house.

She was awhile explaining the child ghosts and how one young boy she saw often as well as her husband and the other 2 children now & then. She said this one young boy would just appear at the strangest times when she least expected. Just then I looked past her to the screen door where stood a 6yo boy with his face to the screen and hands above the metal center brace outstretched like he was nailed there.

My Fight or Flight broke. Couldn't talk or move. That's never happened before. Being a good sized fellow not much concerns me except things wierd I don't expect. He was her grandson but I didn't know. He was her CW kid ghost to me. Cacatoed to the truck & drove home slow. I've never seen a real ghost. Maybe good reason.
Buddy Bell

Trad is 60% mental & about 40% mental.

Offline TxAg

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #151 on: February 27, 2010, 12:33:00 AM »
Straitera,I grew up in Lake Jackson not far from Galveston. I've heard a lot of ghost stories from there and from Bailey's Prarie in Brazoria. Thank goodness I've never seen anything myself...I don't have the gut for it.

Keep it coming guys. This is a fun/interesting thread!

Offline Whump

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #152 on: February 27, 2010, 01:38:00 AM »
Whump Sez; Sorry for the late post "Jag" and good to hear from you   :wavey:   but it was on private land adjoining  the Waterloo management area next to the Tennessee river. I was in the Muscle Shoals archery club at the time. That episode put a light in my pocket. I have never had anything like that happen since. I have had coyotes walk parallel to me coming out but they are stealthy and make very little noise. No vocalization of any kind- just loud footfalls. Hunt safe

Offline straitera

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #153 on: February 27, 2010, 01:48:00 AM »
Galveston County has a wretched history of calamity from the Galveston hurricane (1909?) to the Texas City Explosion (1949?). Many thousands died tragic deaths through the years of storms & explosions. The High School was the only building big enough to be used as morgue with bodies laid out for identification after the grain ship explosion. The dock where it blew up is less than 2 miles distant. My neighborhood borders the oldest in TC where I've yet to meet anyone who hasn't experienced ghostly behaviour. Less than 1/2 mile is the regular support group meeting place for folks in TC who've encountered ghosts. Seems this older part of town is loaded. I've questioned many of them at length. Very interesting stories much like these here.

More stories? Come on folks, don't be askeered!
Buddy Bell

Trad is 60% mental & about 40% mental.

Offline Whump

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #154 on: February 27, 2010, 02:26:00 AM »
Whump Sez; "Three red lights"  This one was a real puzzle. My brother-in law called me one after noon about 15 years ago and asked me if I would like to go to his fathers barn and shoot some rats. I told him --that sounds like fun; so I loaded up a couple of 22 pistols with shot shell loads and off we went. We had a tremendous rat killing for about 2 hours that night but we would have to go outside and turn the lights out ever so often and let them come back out of hiding. The barn was up on a high hill with a farm road down below us at about 100yds. While we standing outside letting the smoke clear inside the barn we saw 3 red lights coming down the road about the size of softballs, 2 lights about 2ft apart and one about 6ft from the two.It was foggy and the lights would go on and off just like someone putting the brakes on in a vehicle with the head lights out.  We were behind a locked gate so we were baffled as to where they came from. As they came by down below us they made a left turn and crossed a 10ft deep ditch, staying level as they crossed and there was no engine noise; so we new at this point it was not a car. The lights stopped in the middle of the field about 150yds from us and went on and off. I loaded the 2 pistols with hollow points and headed in that direction.My brother -in-law said where are you going? I said ,I am going to see who or what that is. I walked straight to the lights and they went out as I climbed out of the ditch. when I  got to the area where they were last shinning there was nothing there but my father- in- laws black Angus cows standing in a tight herd. I had to push some of them out of the way as I walked on thru them  and I could find nothing. This field was fenced and had a locked gate so we rode the fence line to see if it was broken and found no breaks in the fence or gate.No tire tracks in the field, nothing. My brother -in law stayed on the hill until I called him down that night and he said I was nuts for going down there. I had a strange feeling as I stood there in the middle of a herd of cows, in a fog, wondering what in the heck was that about.    :confused:   Hunt Safe

Offline Don Stokes

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #155 on: February 27, 2010, 09:50:00 AM »
Earlier straitera mentioned our normal 3D realm. I'm something of a physics buff, and read some advanced books from time to time, and watch related programs. Physicists are looking for explanations for relationships that don't seem to make sense in current theory, and in recent years some theoretical developments have been developed that may answer some of their questions, like string theory. One of the theories that would explain anomalies in gravitational observations is that there are as many as nine dimensions, six more than we can perceive with our human senses. Gravitational forces may be dispersing through these other dimensions, which would explain the anomalies.

A complicated way of saying that there is very likely much more to the world than we can see, and the paranormal experiences that have been described here may one day be explained by multiple dimensions that we can only occasionally perceive, under special circumstances. Our 3D senses may interpret these crossover events in ways that we are familiar with, hence the apparitions, which may actually be something completely different that our ordinary senses just can't handle.

On the other hand, even that wouldn't explain my grandmother visiting me in a dream on the night that she died, 500 miles away. I had never dreamed about her before, or since. I didn't know she had died until a couple of days later. In the dream, she let me know that she was happy again, eyes bright and shining, now relieved after a period of physical deterioration. The "new house" she showed me was an enlarged version of her casket, which looked like a railroad car to me in the dream. I told my mother about the dream and described the "railroad car" and it really freaked her out, because I had unknowingly described her casket. I settled her down by pointing out that grandmother was happy in the dream, and was letting us know that she was in a good place. Mother told me that grandmother had always had a special interest in me since childhood.

There may be more than nine dimensions...
Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.- Ben Franklin

Offline bowtough

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #156 on: February 27, 2010, 05:59:00 PM »
About fifteen years ago, I was hunting an area which now is right across the road from where I live. Then, I would park my truck by the wood edge,prepare my gear and before I left,would put a coke in a huggy and place under my truck bumper to keep cool.Well one day after hunting I went to retrieve my coke and It's gone! Huggy and all. So I'm thinking some one has obviously came by and stole my coke,bummer. The next time I hunt this area,it is in a differant spot,maybe a 1/2 mile to the north. So I figured whoever stole my coke will not be where I am now,so I put a cold coke in a huggy and leave it under the back bumper of my truck and go hunting. This is always on morning hunts,and I always go to my stand 1/2 hour before daylight. Anyway,I come back around eleven and looking forward to a cold drink,look to retrieve my coke. You guessed it,the coke and huggy are both gone! Now I'm really freaked,how in the world does this person know where I am hunting and parking my truck. Now I realize I can no longer put my cokes under my bumper and will have to start carrying a cooler and keep them inside my truck. On with the story,the next time I hunt is back across from where I now live,I park my truck in the same spot and go to my stand. I'm back again at around eleven and I go around toward the back of my truck and notice moss and fresh dirt have been thrown up on my rear bumper. Upon further investigation,I notice there are scratch marks on the ground in front of my bumper that strangely resemble that of a dogs,you know how they throw grass and dirt on their pile after they crap. Well as I am putting the puzzle together I notice my intuitions are correct,for I have now stepped into a huge mess and have it all over my boots.This is where the story starts to come together as to who the coke thief is. You see about a week before this all happened,I had to run a yellow lab off who had tried to befriend me,even having to resort to throwing rocks in his direction so he wouldn't follow me to my stand. To this day I am comvinced that stealing my cokes were his way of getting even with me. So when I quit leaving my cokes for him to steal,he decided to resort to nastier means by even setting a trap for me to step in! I can't prove it was him stealing my cokes,but you will never prove to me any different. Not real spooky but had me really going for awhile. Incidently, after that last morning every time I hunted across the road,He would start barking at me from his side of the road and this would literally go on for at least an hour after daylight before he would stop. That dog hated my guts!   :biglaugh:

Offline sou-pawbowhunter

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #157 on: February 27, 2010, 07:04:00 PM »
Happily I have not had any of these kind of experiences, and I'm hoping that streak holds.  But these have sure been some hair raising tales.  Keep 'em coming if you've got 'em.
Molon labe

Offline stik&string

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #158 on: February 27, 2010, 07:18:00 PM »
Although my supernatural experience while hunting was not scary it was reassuring. Here goes; My father lived to hunt and put much energy into scouting, hunting and being in the woods. I was fortunate enough to be able to learn from him for many years. In the mid 1990's my father was diagnosed with cancer and eventually succomed to the disease in 2001 never missing a hunting season in the process. When the 2001 rut rolled around I found myself in the woods but without my father/hunting buddy to share the experiance with I was somewhat depressed and not enjoying myself as much as I should have been. After sitting in my blind for the entire day, and seeing nothing, this feeling was growing worse by the moment. I had grown so despondent that by the next morning I literally had to talk myself into going into the woods. Once in my stand I realized that it was going to be a long day and told myself that if after sunrise I didn't feel any better then I would call it quits for the year. After the lengthy sunrise I wasn't feeling any better and started to pack up my belongings. At this exact moment the intense smell of anise candy (an almost black liquorice type of candy for those not familiar with it) overwhelmed me and seemed to be coming from everywhere. This brought me to tears because everytime my father hunted he snacked on anise candy throughout the day as he believed that deer were not alarmed by the scent. Although I never got a deer that year I knew that somehow my father was with me whenever I was in the woods.

Offline Lost Creek Bows

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Re: Supernatural experience
« Reply #159 on: February 28, 2010, 12:21:00 AM »
I like all the storys and experiences everyone has. Very good keep them coming.
May the spirit of archery always be with you,and keep you young at heart.  www.lostcreekbow-com.webs.com

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