As far as supernatural goes, I'm with the men of faith on this one.
I had a weird experience that I can't explain, though, about two years ago. I spent three-quarters of an hour belly crawling toward some bedded pigs. Finally, I made it to twenty-five yards or so, and was as close as I could get. One big sow was sleeping facing toward me, so I had to ease-up real slow. I studied the sleepers for some time, and eventually chose a ginger sow who was side-on at the said distance. There was a window through the scrub that I had to shoot through into her vitals. I made the shot, and they all burst-out of there, with the stricken ginger sow fleeing with the arrow waving around still in her. We followed the blood trail, and were disappointed as we realised it must've been a single lung hit. Eventually we lost the trail. We slowly continued-on to the next nearly-dry swamp, which was about six-hundred yards away. We approached it real slow, as the leaf litter was very crunchy. As we got closer, a couple of pigs started fighting in the shade near the puddle. One was a black boar, the other was a black sow. It was my friend's turn for a try with his compound. He snuck-in, and the first to present was the sow. He killed it, and the boar ran away. When we walked-up to the black sow, we noticed it had an additional fresh injury aside from the one arrow that my friend had used. My broken wooden arrow was protruding from it's flank, having gone through one lung. I shot a ginger sow, as plain as day. This pig was as black as they come. I don't know what happened there; I can't figure it out.