Plans quickly solidified over breakfast: Don and Curt would bail off the ridge (where Chase and I had glassed) to get to a spot where pigs had been seen on the plain between the ridge and the river. They were to set a pig've seen the pics. Chris would head to the river down the main road, while Chase, Sky, and I would 4 wheel back to where Chase and I had sat the previous night.
The wind was still up enough to continue drying out so we got to our parking area pretty easily. A few more days of that and I'd be able to take the truck all the way to the river. I ferried Don and Curt on the 4wheeler up the big hill to their jumpin off spot to save some time. Returning to get the boys, I had found they had already made their way towards flies on them!
Another rough took me about 5 minutes to realize what Don was talking about. I hear power steering is real popular on them now; I know if I owned one that would be criteria number one after driving this one loaded down through what we went through. We arrived at our spot on the river without incident, and did our best to move into the hunting area undetected. I wanted to see what it looked like in the direction of the previous evenings commotion.
Not 200 yards upriver from our initial spot, we ran into a seriously "hoggy" area. Started to smell like a barnyard...we all fell into stillhunting mode as our eyes feverishly searched the surrounding area for the inevitable pig. We almost fell into "The Honey Hole"...

Not just sign, but a LOT of sign....enough fresh pig tracks to make a feller think it was a stockyard. Oh yeah, tonight was going to be a different story.
We worked our way further up the main trail another 100 yards or so admiring the heavy and fresh sign. We couldn't go very far without running into


We were in the living room of the big boys now. We hustled back out as quietly as possible, got our corn and laid the trail from the bedding area to the hole, seeded the hole, and from the hole to our first night's spot. We decided to return and put up a trail camera....only to interrupt 2 pigs who had already begun following the trail from the bedding area we had just left!
One evaporated back the way it came and the other crossed the ditch and headed back in the direction of the road, away from the river. Not exactly spooked but not sure why the first one had left so quickly (I don't think this one saw us). Chase and Sky pursued trying to catch up...but as any pig hunter can attest, even if they are flat out running, you have little hope of catching up to a mature pig on a mission to be somewhere else using it's bouncy trotted gait.
Which way did he go?
I think he went that way...
Dang! I think we lost him....