Best to have both, and shoot both regularily--- Sometimes you feel like the recurve, sometimes the LB. I change back an forth several times a week. They each have there particular attractions, and strong pts. As far as hunting goes-- over the last 30 yrs., Iam more inclined to grab the LB -about 70% of the time.--I don't spend much time in trees--may have something to do with it--though Ive shot plenty of deer from trees w/ a 68" LB. Iam glad I have allowed myself to enjoy both, and never have probs. going back and forth--takes me about 3 practice shots to find the groove. Iam not a big fan of the Hybrid R/D "Longbows"--Some of them are so radical they're basically a recurve in drag.IMO. I like my LB's straight, and my recurves curved--if you get my drift. Its a personal thang--try them all, no reason to marry yourself to one.