I can't speak for the longer draws, but there has to be something to that with this bow. I shot this particular Wave bow over the weekend and with my 27" draw, I found a Beman MFX400 full length with standard aluminum insert, 300 gr head, 4x4" low profile on a onestringer wrap was pretty close. Since I only had it for the weekend, I didn't want to spend the time perfecting arrow tune but just get some close enough to play with it.
However, I could tell that I wasn't getting into the real "sweet spot" of this bow's power curve at only 27". Over drawing it past my normal anchor to 28 and then maybe 28 1/2" it felt like it was just starting to come into it's own. I'm not a student of force curves, only of the purely subjective feel of how a bow shoots/handles, since for me, the paper numbers mean nothing to me in the field. So from my completely unscientific but first hand testing, I think this bow will shoot completely differently @ 30+ than at 27-28". It certainly did for me.
And Chad, though I'm certainly no IBO caliber shooter, I find it pretty easy to bareshaft tune out to at least 30...sometimes to 40 if conditions are right and I'm shooting as good as I can. The further out I tune, the better my flight is overall. There is a distinct difference between how my arrows fly when tuned to 20yards and arrows tuned to 30+. There are very minor increments in cutting at this point but the differences show up dramatically at the longer tuning distances.