Many trails showed regular use,this one runs along a narrow ridge 15 yds behind our tent. A regular travel lane, its is pretty much impossible to set up on.

We spent a good part of the day stump shooting and hunting with our bows, but later the boys were itching to carry thier shotguns around, so they switched gear, while I continued to hunt with my longbow, The Mistress. As we slipped through an area near one of my ground blinds, Austin (11) spotted movement, and soon enough, he had taken his very first small game animal- a fat raccoon, with a perfect shot. I could have shot it with my bow, but it was his to get. The boy was all smiles, and we will tan the skin for him.

This kid was on a roll, earlier not far from camp, he discovered a dead fox, frozen solid laying along the edge of the woods. It was in excellent condition, and had obviously not been ther more than a few days. I could not find any sign of a wound, no blood, no obvious injury, and appeared in good health. The pelt was perfect, so we took it back to camp, and probably have a full body mount of it done. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a pic of it.
As late afternoon gave way to evening, we wandered back to camp. We did jump one rabbit, but it managed to give us the slip, after me doing my beset beagle iimpression to try to roust himn out of the briars.