It was back in the sixties I believe, or early seventies, I saw my first compound advertised in a magazine. I thought, this won't ever catch on. Boy, was I wrong! It wasn't long before the hunting magazines had bowhunting stories only featureing these devices. Wooden arrows disappeared. Sporting goods stores and Kmart no longer offered recurves or even strings. Bowhunting as I knew it no longer existed. Even the top archery companies were chasing the dollar. All my hunting buddies bought into the quick and easy, " instant accuracy without practice" concept. Actually I did almost quit hunting for a few of my prime years when I should really have been enjoying it the most. But now I make my own bows, strings, and arrows and am glad to see return of traditional archery to the extent it has. I hope the trend continues until when you say "bow" folks will think of a real bow.