Most of the week 2 Pig Giggers should be home or at least close by now, so I start this out. Kevin Bahr, Mark Wang, Greg Darling and I arrived at the ranch on Sunday afternoon. We found our cabin and settled in with four other "giggers" from North Dakota: Craig, Irv, Jim and Kendall. We were all looking forward to a great week and in the end, we were not disappointed. Week 1's snow left its mark in the form of mud, but that didn't keep us from getting out. The ND crew was hunting the far end of the ranch and was into pigs early. It took us a couple of days to get on them, and Mark was the first in our group to score with a nice 125 lb dressed sow. This is the first kill for one of my Heavy Head wood arrows with an extra 70 grains up front. My camera didn't want to focus, but here's a pic:

I took this boar just before sunset on Friday, another 125 pounder dressed.

My bow was a Pronghorn TD, 58" and 54 lb at 26", with an Oliverstacy string. The arrow was a Feathered Shaft Sitka Spruce Heavy Head with 50 grains up front plus a 190 gr VPA Terminator. The shot was about 10 yards and quartering, entering near the last rib and stopping at the opposite front leg. The Terminator found this on its way thru:

He made it about 40 yards before falling over.
Greg and Kevin will be on here soon with their stories and they both took way more pics than me. I could go on about how great a hunt this was, but saying "I'm going back!" probably says it best!