Saw lots of Armadillos
My second night hunt was hampered by swirling winds and spooky deer. I had three deer come in first, feeding about five minutes and then all hell broke lose and they spooked. The wind was blowing across me but every once in a while it would swap right to the feeder.
The deer drifted back, then would spook, then a few new deer showed up and they would feed nervously and then spook.
About 5:30 I had a really nice hog coming in from behind and to the right of me but he stopped at the 3 o'clock position and turned around and walked away after standing there for several minutes. He, or one looking the same, came back thirty minutes later under me and to the left. He was very cautious and stopped every few steps. Finally he went to the corn and nervously started feeding. He was there several minutes,a few deer came in from the right and away from me. As I'm getting ready to take a shot the deer spooked and so did my hog.
Not sure if it was the wind or my movement but off they went and the hog had enough excitement for one evening and did not return. The deer on the other hand came right back and stayed until Marty came to pick me up.
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