I'm gonna get my story out of the way....and then enjoy the bantering.....
Not sure what's in the air, but the Solana Hunt, pig gig 1, bunny hunt and this hunt were all slow for what ever reason. I did not have a hog in bow range till the last morning. Ken saw way more hogs than I did, and I wouldn't have it any other way. St Judes fate worked out yet again and rightfully so.
I decided to make a change the last morning as I was headed to the Snake Hole where I killed two in one sit on last years hunt and I switched bows. I chose to hunt with Howard Hill hoping that would change my luck...and it did.
I finally had a hog come in range, an really nice stocky 150# black boar that was extremely nervous. He faced me for some 20 minutes before finally turning broadside and offering up a shot. I got to half draw and the gig was up. It was stone cold silent and all I can figure is he heard my arrow drag across the leather rest on my Howard Hill(that's why I use calf hair).
He made a large loop out of site for 15 minutes and then re-entered from a different direction and was feeding into range with the wind shifted a 180.(this was a big part of our problem the whole hunt). The gig was really up now, as he blistered out of there and never looked back.
Those big boars are really smart....sometimes I think smarter than a mature whitetail.
I truly had a blast as I always do with Marty. Many thanks to him for donating this hunt and allowing me to join in on the fun. It means a lot. Thanks to Ken for his donation also....I think he got his moneys worth as well as the kids. We all had a lot of fun.
Good to see Biggie, Les, and Jerry again for sure. They definitely added to the hunt.