My bag target is a burlap cover with a bear on one side, and a 5 spot target on the other. I hate shooting at 5 spots, never seem to shoot as good than when I shoot at an animal target.
The smaller the bulleye the better. We will put a 1" piece of tape on the bag to start. Or else I will shoot my first arrow at a specific arrow hole in the bag. After that, then I aim at the nock of my arrow. This isnt the first time I've split one, but usually i just knock the nock off. I sure hated to bust one of these shafts. But, eveything comes at a price. I guess accuracy is no exception. Usually I only shoot 3 arrows. This time I shot 5, and busted my arrow with #4.
Ithink I'll hang a life saver from a string in front ofthe bag for this weeks shot challenge. Gotta shoot the hole. Sure will be glad when this snow is gone so I can get some serious spring stumpin in before turkey season.