Took my bow for a walk today. The Arizona desert has received lots of moisture this season, and it is starting to show some signs of spring

I got to shoot at some cholla skeletons. They make much better desert stumping targets than the myriad rocks that love to break arrows

Ironwood makes a good target, too, but it may snap a cedar arrow ever so often; it didn't in this case.

Hiking up a steep draw, I saw movement ahead, which turned out to be 5 javelina; 4 adults and a little guy. They moved out ahead of me, so I followed, and found a javie bathroom.

Snowbirding has definite advantages. I'm getting lots of shooting in, so I should be ready for spring turkeys when I return home. And, spending time in beautiful part of our country is really nice; I haven't been snowed on since December. The Sonoran desert is awesome, and when the flowers start to pop soon, will be even more so. I highly recommend it as a cure for cabin fever.