Just wanted to say THANKS to two TG sponsors.
First: Bison Gear, I gave my pack to Angelo at the K-zoo show, and as promised he said it would be ready around the 1st of March. It showed up today!
The pack was letting loose in a few areas, nothing serious, but Angelo and his team went through the whole pack and took care of all the "loose ends". Thanks Angelo!!
Second: 3 Rivers Archery. I had bought some 150gr. WW elites. I could not wait to try them so with the first shot, the arrow went through the target and stuck in a piece of wood, in my woodpile. After I retrieved the arrow, the broadhead was missing, the blades were gone! The only thing still screwed into my arrow was the "insert", the blades had been sheered off. I eventually found the blades, and top of the head buried in a pine log.
I called 3 rivers, explained to them what happened, sent in the ONE broken head. My only hope was to get that head replaced. Well, today a package arrived, with THREE brand new 150gr. WW elites!
Thanks 3 Rivers!
chris <><