Way to go Jason, your da man
Dave sorry to hear about your loss, I had a simular story as yours but a much happier ending!
We got out to our spot late and just walked into the woods to try and set up where I know the birds where roosting. When we just gave a little yelp to see if the birds where on the ground yet and 3 Tom's let out a thunderus gobble only 70 yards away over the ridge.
We did not even have time to set up Henryetta (our decoy) or our ground blind, we just ran and dove behind an big ole blow down oak tree. Jim was on the south end of the tree and I was on the north end. No sooner then I got my gear off and an arrow knocked I seen the red, white and blue heads running right towards us.
Jim let out with a couple really soft purrs and the lead Tom came gobbling in about 12 yards away in full strut! He got to the top of the hill and there the ole Tom did not see his girl friend and started to get nervous and walk away. Jim had no shot but seen him walking and gave out a couple soft putt's and the Tom slowed downed and moved in the only shooting lane I had before he disapeared in to the woods. I knew it was now or never, so I drew back anchored and let her fly! Right over is back and center punched a beautiful white oak tree! What an Awesome hunt, but praise God I am still hunting ! Man did that get me pumped, I can't wait to get back out there and try it again!