After shooting a bow since childhood, and hunting with a bow for 30 or more years, I met Dan Quillian in a time when I was unhappy with the status quo of my life and, without really knowing it, looking for something more fulfilling. Dan got me interested in finding a better, stronger species of wood for arrow shafts, and my life changed completely. I quit my job, went into consulting and research full time, and started the Superceder arrow shaft business. My life centered around archery for the next decade or so. Retired from business archery, I make my living now as the Technical Director for a wood products inspection agency, but archery is still very large in my life. I shoot to hunt, and nearly every year I take time off to make an archery hunt with my friends.
I would have never devoted my life and living to compound archery the way I did to traditional archery. I've done it both ways, but compound archery is like buying your food from a restaurant instead of cooking it for yourself. The fullness of the experience is lost without the complete personal involvement.