Guys, as I mentioned before, I have been looking and looking to try to get a fairly large piece of land in western Illinois to lease on a long term basis, with the idea of forming a club made up of members from this site. Just so you guys know what the leasing game in that part of the state is. Anything less than $25 per acre is considered rediculously cheap. $40 to $45 per acre is the norm, and many pieces of ground lease for much more. I have come across a landowner with 680 acres in southern Pike County. That may not sound like alot of land to some of you from the southern states, but in the golden triangle area of Illinois, that is a large piece of ground owned by one person. The owner of the property is quite interested in the concept I have presented to him. Anyway, I know for most of us it gets down to money. I told him that I want to be able to lease the ground for a minimum of 3 to 5 years, to begin with and then go from there. He told me that the lowest he would consider would be $25/acre to start with. This would mean $17,000 per year to begin. I figure if we had 10 members, the price per season would be $1,700 per member. The area will allow year round access, for both whitetails and turkeys, as well as scouting, hanging stands, etc.
I don't have to explain to too many people here, about the tremedous potential this part of the country offers for huge whitetail bucks. The habitat over there is as good as it gets, and management in that area has been great, with fewer young bucks being killed than in other areas of Illinois. I have not yet seen the property, and it is for sure not a done deal, but I just wanted to give those who were interested and idea as to what it takes to be able to hunt in that area for more than a week with an outfitter. I'll keep everyone interested up to date as I find out more.