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Author Topic: Holy Grail  (Read 2968 times)

Offline COLongbow

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Holy Grail
« on: March 03, 2010, 11:25:00 AM »
OK, I need some insight from you guys who have been at this for a while. I switched from compounds about 9 months ago. Since then I've owned and sold two different production recurves, got afflicted with the longbow fever and purchased one, a Spirit longbow, after shooting several at RMSGear. Great bow. But...I find myself looking at photos of and reading reviews of other bowyers' longbows and thinking that I don't yet have "THE ONE". I want more speed, nicer woods, different grip designs, you name it. Today I'm certain I need a Lost Creek. Yesterday it was a Tomahawk I couldn't live without. Tomorrow it'll be a MOAB that i'm sure will magically make me the shooter I want to be. I obviously have the addiction, and from reading lots of posts on this site, I don't think I'm alone. Wife's patience is running thin. I've resorted to looking at bow P**n on the conputer late at night. So, please steer me right. Do I give in to my impulses and keep looking for the Holy Grail, or do I just "love the one I'm with"????    :knothead:

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Offline rushlush

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Re: Holy Grail
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2010, 11:28:00 AM »

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Re: Holy Grail
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2010, 11:28:00 AM »
Just buy a Morrison and save yourself many many $$$ trying all the others.  :goldtooth:
hunt it

Offline Jeremy

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Re: Holy Grail
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2010, 11:29:00 AM »
Since you're relatively new to this, shoot as many different bows as you can, then decide which one feels right to you.  There should be a whole mess of bows within driving distance of you; I know I've shipped 3-4 of 'em within an hour of you.
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Offline Tim Fishell

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Re: Holy Grail
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2010, 11:35:00 AM »
Yup like Jeremy said try as many different bows as possible.  There is not one right bow for everybody.  The nice thing about traditional guys is everybody is always willing to let you shoot thier bows.  Good luck and have fun!!  :)
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Re: Holy Grail
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2010, 11:36:00 AM »
Originally posted by Jeremy:
Since you're relatively new to this, shoot as many different bows as you can, then decide which one feels right to you.  
That right there is some of the best advice you can EVER get when shooting a bow. My first bow was a production bow a Quillan Patriot. I did not know how fine it was until I gave it up. I wished I would have kept it. I then shot many many bows from many fine bowyers. If you have a chance to go to a trad shoot, introduce yourself to other shooters, ask if you can shoot their bow. This way you will be able to shoot a wide variety.

My first longbow experience left me needing dentures. (not really) It did feel as if 1/2 of my teeth, and all of my fillings were loose. Then I was introduced to some fine longbows and found that they can be smooth as silk.

Best of luck!! Shoot a bunch of bows!!!
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Offline stickhorse

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Re: Holy Grail
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2010, 11:38:00 AM »
Kerry: been their-done that!!! that said have all longbows can meet or drive down, and you can shoot all of mine. Bob

Online Terry Green

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Re: Holy Grail
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2010, 11:39:00 AM »
How's your shooting coming along?  Nothing is going to make you a better hunter or a better shooter than you.

That being said....there will be some bows that will better fit your style of shooting....but speed aint got nothing to do with that.

Don't get caught up in the 'must have - gotta have - make you a better hunter' hype...cause that's all it is....HYPE.

Did I ask....how's your shooting coming along?  :D
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Offline MJB

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Re: Holy Grail
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2010, 11:41:00 AM »
What Terry said..
A Gobbler yelp Spring or Fall is a long conversation.

Offline LBR

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Re: Holy Grail
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2010, 11:57:00 AM »
Don't get caught up in the hype--best advice I've seen anywhere.

There's no such thing as a "can't go wrong with this one" bow.  If you think there is, watch the classifieds for a while--you'll see one for sale--which means somebody went "wrong" with it.

Not to say the folks that make statements like that aren't sincere--I'm sure they are.  They just aren't taking one fact into consideration...we are all different.  What I love you may hate, and vice-versa.

As noted, shoot as many bows as you can.  TAKE NOTES!  Sometimes "love at first sight" doesn't work out, but often you can figure out what you don't like pretty quick.  Don't let pretty woods tempt you into a bow you really don't like to shoot.

Don't get hung up on prices.  "You get what you pay for" doesn't always apply to bows.  You can spend a small fortune for junk, you might find "the" one pretty cheap.  ('Course you can also get cheap junk, or an expensive bow that is great.)

Do your homework about the company/bowyer/bow.  Ask folks that have experience with them.  Due to the nature of message boards, the owners can't let just any and every little thing be posted.  That's just the way it is.  If you are interested in a particular bow, post about it and ask questions.  Leave the option to e-mail or pm open.  You will most likely get information in private that you wouldn't get in public.  

Check out warranties.  What you are told on the phone and what it posted on a website may be completely different--guess which one will usually be adhered to?

As Ken Beck of Black Widow once told me, "There's not a nickle's worth of difference in the better bows on the market today".  I agree with that 100%.  Check around and see who offers the best deal, the best warranty, who is easiest to work with, etc.  Invest a little time and you should get paid back with interest.


Offline COLongbow

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Re: Holy Grail
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2010, 12:00:00 PM »
Terry, my shooting is progressing. I feel that I have a comfortable draw weight that I can hold at full draw without struggling. I've had Tom at RMSGear look at my form. He changed my anchor and gave me another inch of draw length, as well as helping with my release. I'm trying to be consistent and am shooting no more than 10 yards. That being said, I'm getting groups of 6" with my new CE Rebel 4560's. 31" total weight of 518 gr. I'm pulling 49# at my 29" draw.  Good arrow flight, with the occasional flyer. Like I said, I really like my Spirit. I have shot several other bows, including a BW, and none of them set the sky on fire compared to mine. I guess I need somebody to tell me to stick with what I have and keep me out of rehab.  :)

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Offline Spectre

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Re: Holy Grail
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2010, 12:00:00 PM »
What shoots well for one guy might be way off base for another. We all shoot different.

 With that said, the Black Creek Banshee is purty nice!  :bigsmyl:
Gila hickory selfbow 54#
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Offline COLongbow

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Re: Holy Grail
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2010, 12:05:00 PM »
I also want to say thanks for all of your replies. I've been reading this site for several months, and I'm grateful to have the counsel of such a great bunch of guys.

His servant

Offline Ragnarok Forge

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Re: Holy Grail
« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2010, 12:05:00 PM »
Shoot what you have and try out every bow you can find.  Go to all the trad shoots in your area and keep trying out bows until you find the dream bow.  Terry nailed it on the head.  You need to work on you and your form.  No piece of equipment is going to make you a better shooter.

I never thought I would like a recurve much until I shot a Morrison Shawnee.  Great bow, smooth as silk, and shoots right where I look.  Don't get into the gotta have a million bows addiction, at least not until you get your shooting form down.  The wife will end up leaving you if you spend to much on bows.
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Offline Kenneth

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Re: Holy Grail
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2010, 12:27:00 PM »
I've bought or traded for about 13 bows in the last few months on my quest for "The One" and I shot numerous bows at Kalamazoo.  "The One" for me is one that fits me and my style of shooting and hunting best, is dead in the hand and quiet and I like a good looking bow too.  That being said none of them will make me a better shooter.  I shoot some better than others but that is simply because the grip fits me better.  If you have a bow that fits you well now; save your money and shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot and then shoot it some more.  Sure some bows feel or fit better right away but the one that you shoot the most and are familiar with is always the best choice because like Terry said only "you" can make yourself a better shooter.
Chasing my kids and my degree for now but come next fall the critters better look out.  ;)

Offline Mudd

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Re: Holy Grail
« Reply #15 on: March 03, 2010, 12:56:00 PM »
Byron makes an excellent bow, I know because I own one also. The Spirit bows don't hurt your eyes either. Mine is bamboo limbs under clear glass with bacote riser 62' and 49@28. It's an easy shooter and will compare with a lot of higher dollar bows in performance. Sits in the hand well and feels good when draw and goes where your looking.

Having said all that I know the quest, I've been on it for years. I'm not holding out a lot of hope that it will ever be found but I've gotten really close with several different builders and few less production bows.But like you I think its at least down to longbows...lol

I have at least one more coming that I want to try as soon as the postman(woman in my case) delivers it.

You've gotten some great advise from some very knowledgeable folks. The show of wisdom will be the following some of it.

God bless,mudd
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Online David Mitchell

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Re: Holy Grail
« Reply #16 on: March 03, 2010, 01:10:00 PM »
Well, you are going to find that there really is no holy grail of bows.  I have a bunch simply because I like a lot of different styles and draw weights, etc.  You need right now to not get caught up in bow buying fever.  Shoot what you have a while--all those nice pretty bows will still be around later.  Go to some larger rendezvous and try bows from vendors who are there--they're glad to let you, that's why they are there. Most guys will be happy to let you try their bow if you ask too so don't be bashful.  But in the end the bow you should end up with is the one that fits you the best, is a good weight that you can shoot comfortably, and one that is not so fancy you are scared to take it into the woods and bang it around in the bushes   :)   Have fun, it's great and you will no doubt do what most of us here do and that is mess with a lot of bows over the course of a few years.  I have been on this site a long time and one thing I notice is that a lot of bows on the classified listing are "fast, smooth, no hand shock, one of the best I ever had, etc, etc," yet it's for sale!  What gives?  Today's treasure is often tomorrow's cast off, we're a funny bunch   :knothead:
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Online cacciatore

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Re: Holy Grail
« Reply #17 on: March 03, 2010, 01:22:00 PM »
The problem with this great site is that it is very addicting and there are so many great bowyers right now,plus everybody blam his favourite bow.Well stay with what you have and work on your shooting form,as other had sayed is the shooter not the bow.Take your time fine tuning your set up.In the meanwhile try as many bows as you can.No Holy Graal but the bow that works well for you,it takes time and experience,save your money for now and learn to use well your actual bow.Sayed that I own more than 90 bows.LOL
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Offline Migra Bill

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Re: Holy Grail
« Reply #18 on: March 03, 2010, 01:24:00 PM »
Norm Johnson Snakebit = The One.

Offline COLongbow

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Re: Holy Grail
« Reply #19 on: March 03, 2010, 02:53:00 PM »
Great advice, all. Thanks!
I think I'll stick with the great bow I already have for now, and maybe actually learn how to shoot it well! Could be it's the ONE and I don't even know it.
I think one thing most of you are probably thinking but are too polite to say is that maybe I'm too inexperienced to evaluate bows well enough to find the Holy Grail right now. Probably right.  :)
Bottom line: I'm lucky enough to have a good bow, and I need to stop thinkin' and typin' and JUST SHOOT!

Best wishes to all of you.

His servant

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