Don't get caught up in the hype--best advice I've seen anywhere.
There's no such thing as a "can't go wrong with this one" bow. If you think there is, watch the classifieds for a while--you'll see one for sale--which means somebody went "wrong" with it.
Not to say the folks that make statements like that aren't sincere--I'm sure they are. They just aren't taking one fact into consideration...we are all different. What I love you may hate, and vice-versa.
As noted, shoot as many bows as you can. TAKE NOTES! Sometimes "love at first sight" doesn't work out, but often you can figure out what you don't like pretty quick. Don't let pretty woods tempt you into a bow you really don't like to shoot.
Don't get hung up on prices. "You get what you pay for" doesn't always apply to bows. You can spend a small fortune for junk, you might find "the" one pretty cheap. ('Course you can also get cheap junk, or an expensive bow that is great.)
Do your homework about the company/bowyer/bow. Ask folks that have experience with them. Due to the nature of message boards, the owners can't let just any and every little thing be posted. That's just the way it is. If you are interested in a particular bow, post about it and ask questions. Leave the option to e-mail or pm open. You will most likely get information in private that you wouldn't get in public.
Check out warranties. What you are told on the phone and what it posted on a website may be completely different--guess which one will usually be adhered to?
As Ken Beck of Black Widow once told me, "There's not a nickle's worth of difference in the better bows on the market today". I agree with that 100%. Check around and see who offers the best deal, the best warranty, who is easiest to work with, etc. Invest a little time and you should get paid back with interest.