there is no Holy grail, the One, what you will find is that there are many ideas put into the form of a bow and many of them are unique. some are just plain beautiful, some are actual works of art. I have owned short recurves, plains indian self bows, english war style bows, flatbows, mid length curves and long curves like my old 66" Drake. reflex deflex, straight, set back, reflexed longbows in dozens of wood and lamination combinations. I have made my own self bows and have owned most of the better known production and semi production recurves in my life.
You know what, I loved them all and I would like to start over again.
I have settled on basically two bows that fit my needs, a 62" good quality recurve for ground blind and most tree stand hunting and a 68" osage or bamboo longbow for my most favorite past time, still hunting for whatever is out there. I have been graced with the ability to go from one bow to the other without any problem and after passing 55 years in life that is where I will be staying from now on.