Originally posted by Rob DiStefano:
i agree jerry - a properly designed and used back quiver is the fastest on a reload. in that it's got all the other quiver types beat, imo.
however and imho, the rest of a back quiver's functionality is just dismal compared to other quiver types, including a bow quiver.
the best overall use of a backquiver was presented in an iam article by scott toll ...
Thank you for posting these great pictures, hope you don't mind that I have saved them off to my computer for future reference. I have a side quiver that yes does, IMO, have more functional advantages than the back quiver; however, after seeing these pictures and Jerry’s instructional tips there is a compelling pull to go back to using a back quiver. Sometimes newer and more functional just may not be what makes me feel at home in the woods. Something about a back quiver and possibles bag seems right.
Great post Jerry, thank you.