I have the urge to share a thought with all of you. I've been tremendously impressed with comments, attitudes, and responses from the Trad community since joining this site.
Today I carried three board bows I've recently finished to share with my elementary students. (Oh, yeah, I teach ninth grade physical science and elementary PE.) I explained to my sixth and third grade students how I made the bows and some of the things you have taught me.
The kids were blown away.
Several of the older kids requested the website addresses I have been using. The third graders wanted to know how their dads could build bows for them. More than a few tried to buy the smallest bow I had made.
Most of the kids asked very pertinent questions surrounding the making and use of tradtional archery equipment. Since we live in a rural environment quite a few were already familiar with wheelie bows and had some understanding of archery in general.
I've read 4rest trekker's posts and enjoyed the photos showing his kids making bows. I've also browsed through the photos on the Rudder bows website. Perhaps we could start something along those lines here.
Just wanted to share with everyone that young people can get as excited as we can about trad.
Stan Sims
Parkers Chapel School Dist.
El Dorado, AR.