Chris, Like you said it's hard to know with out seeing the owner but it looked like a young buck rack and those brows are awesome. He really has some potential. They found that set at Danny's place so I will see if he has any trail cam picks of him.
I did get out for a short walk yesterday by my house and did find one side of a rack but it was really chewed up. Here is what I saw first....

I wasen't even sure it was a horn till I got closer. I looked and looked for the rest but nothing.

Then about a 150yds farther under a big ceder tree I saw this.

Looks like a matched pair color wise. Sure hate to see them chewed up so bad but other critters need the mineral too.

Thanks everybody for looking, I hope we can find some more to show ya. Gives me a good excuse to get out and shoot some stumps and break in my new Mohawk bow before turkey season. :D