Four thirty comes very early but hey it’s opening day. Temperature in the trailer is a balmy 39 degrees and outside it’s a brisk 33. Coffees on and the 50 gallon barrel is slowly percolating heat out into the screened in building. Every one else must be sleeping in till 5. Perhaps they may post some thing later
Sure glad I did my set up yesterday. Recurve, chair decoys all just sitting there waiting for my arrival all I need is my backpack and large thermos of coffee. Will be an easy drive and then walk into the edge of the cypress.
Here is the layout.
No where is it written you can't be comfortable
view out the front window
Surrounding area
looking back
no I did not leave the truck there.
looking around
Guru thanks on that advice of getting the 12x camera. Makes a big difference. Oh your wing bone call. Very impressive in person and 'Sweet" is the music it can make.
I think I hear a turkey yelp,