Thanks all. Dont' know if I am alone in this experience but I find I appriciate these blessings even more once I share them on here and you all share your comments. Thanks for that.
Curt, Sent you a PM Back. Can't tell you how much I appriciate that offer.
Bozara, it was a beautiful weekend in the Root. Although I miss the game, I don't think I could survive taking hits like that anymore. Seems Kash can even put a hurtin on Dad these days and he's only 4.
It is a beautiful piece of property. In fact, there was a herd of elk hanging in there a couple days before the photos. It is unseasonaly dry but that hasn't had near the impact on the game as the wolves. It seems like all the elk that used to hang in these areas when I was a kid are now all hanging down closer to civilization and adjacent to all the houses. The only thing that has changed since then is the addition of wolves. I guess in fairness the houses are moving closer too. Nonetheless, I Don't intend to change the direction of this post but just making an observation.
Ben, Yes that's Cody's old PSAX and unless I hit the jackpot and can buy five more, its not going anywhere. Its a beauty and it shoots better than it looks. I've thanked him many times but I guess I shouldn't have because he now has me addicted and eying another one. Especially now that he has posted pics of both of his.
Last but not least, I'm glad I took these pics because now when my better half tells me I can't hit Sh@#, I've got pics to prove her wrong.
Thanks again All.