Can"a"worms, anyone?
Not the most comfortable topic I've had the pleasure to read on this forum, but surely mind provoking.
I live on a small 26 acre plot that I purchased 12 years ago and made the decision this past spring to make it my home. Miles away from town and very quiet and peaceful.
12 years ago I'd visit on weekends about once a month. Back then wildlife was plentiful.
There is still an abundance of deer and turkey as the property is heavily wooded and intenally a spring fed creek winds 3 times through the small acreage.
But I see more wild cats in a day than the bunnys, pheasant, and quail combined in a given month. I don't have any ground squirrel either.
10 yrs ago that wasn't the case.
I'm not going to be the judge of what others deem fair game. And I'm not going to eat no damn cat.