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Author Topic: TradGang Bear Quest # 4 2010' Unpacking & Wheels are Turnin for BQ # 5 JUNE 2011'  (Read 76012 times)

Offline bill langer

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Hey Fred-time spent skinning bears with you and sharing camp with the rest of the bunch was fun.
Just another great hunt with Tradganger's, looking forward to many more. All are good folks and excellent bowhunters-learned alot this past week.

Offline meathead

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Looks like a dandy bear you got there Bill.  Congrat's.

Offline tippit

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I've been bear hunting in La Tuque with Tom for past nine years but the last four Bear Quest years have been real special as I usually have a few guys flying or driving into Boston.  It's always great getting together for dinner, a few stories, shooting bows, and maybe heading into the basement before the long drive to La Tuque.  

This year Molly & I had Tom Porter, George Gallen, Marty, Barry, and PV gather before the drive.  Steve Tottingham even came over for dinner as he'd been on the past three Quests.  Tom will give us a call when he is heading out and we meet him at the Canadian border around midnight.  Having Barry in the car makes the night speed by with all his stories and really gets you pumped to get hunting.

When we meet in camp, I knew this year was going to be different for me.  For the past 8 years I've primarily hunted the water baits.  But I was unable to help Tom on the baiting trips due to some recurring back problems...old age!   I re-injured it on the Pig Gig and decided not to push it with a baiting trip.  Those trips are great fun, but also a lot of work. Guys that help baiting are rightfully rewarded with their choice of stands to hunt.

So I told Tom to throw my name in the hat and I'd be more that happy with any of the stands.  I have had more than my share of luck having had the biggest bear on two previous occasions so I even waited to pick toward the end of the draw.

I drew the Beaver Pond Stand.  I had sat that stand one year after I'd already tagged out.  Wanting to film some bears..but I'd never even seen a bear on it.  There had been some big bears arrowed there but that's also true for just about any of the stands...remember this was another week of everyone one seeing and having opportunities to shoot a bear.

The first night I didn't even go out as I was beat from the drive up.  Sunday night I sat it from 4 to 9:30pm and didn't see any bear activity.  I could say I didn't hear any bears...but with my hearing that's the norm even when they are just a few yards away.  Because of my lack of hearing I tend to sit and shoot from a sitting position just to keep my movement to a minimum.

Monday my Luck was about to Change in more ways than One...Doc
TGMM Family of the Bow
VP of Consumption MK,LLC

Offline Curveman

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Doc, A guy like you getting another great bear would make me a believer in karma except a guy like Barry going 4-zip means the jury's still out on that one!        :D       Thanks again for inviting me over to dinner before you embarked. It's always been a great group of guys on the 4 years that I've gone and it was just so nice to be able to partake in some of the spirit of bear camp again this year even if that joy was nearly equaled by the pain of watching you guys drive away this year without me!       :(         ;)    

Congratulations everybody!       :thumbsup:        I look forward to seeing many of you at PigGig '11!
Compliance Officer MK,LLC
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Offline Herdbull

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Me with Marty's bear. I looked this bear in the eyes 24 hours earlier and I'm glad I passed him. This could not have been taken by a nicer guy! He used a special SwampRooter bow made for him by JoeBuck
All I could do was put Marty and Brandan on the fish!
Brandan Bird with his first bear. He made a nice shot and dragged him out by himself. He was a good guy and packer to have in camp!

Offline Matty

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Awesome... All of you!!
I'm sad I missed this one... EEhh... Theres always next year!!
Congrats boys and great stories so far!!

Offline xroadshunter

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All I can say is that it was one of the best weeks I have spent in a long time.  Met a bunch of great guys, everyone worked together like I've never seen before and I got my first trad game kill.  I'm still beat-up from the drive rolled in about 1:00am this morning and am still sifting through emails at work.  Will post picks later today.

Offline Herdbull

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Glad to meet you George, and boy can you cook cobbler!!!  Mike

Offline d. ward

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you guys are killing me but keep it coming you gotta love it bd

Offline Biggie Hoffman

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Dave, I guess LOSER is kinda strong. I'm thinking maybe his recurve days are over....
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Offline birddog75

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This was my first bear hunt and I thank you all for making it so enjoyable and memorable.  Tom and Paul did a wonderful job keeping us fed and organized and I can't thank you fell's enough for this experience. As for my hunt here it is:
I drew the Moose Path stand which worked out really well condidering Mike Mitten drew the Bird stand and they were a mile or so from each other.  We drove from IL. together and this allowed us to share my vehicle going to and from our stands.  Day 1, arrival day was a bust with no sightings.  Day 2 we were in our stands by 3ish pm. At 7:40 I had a bear at 25 yards coming into the bait. Although I'm a greenhorn, it amazes me how an animal of this size can be so quiet. I told Mike prior to the trip I was going to size some bears up before choosing one to shoot. Those were wasted words, cause the moment I saw him I was shooting if given a good opportunity.  He went directly to the barrel and starting picking out dessrt. This worked well since I was sitting down and I needed to stand, however, getting to that point was easier said than done. Thinking the bear was totally occupied and looking away I began to stand up only making it an inch off the seat before him staring directly at me, or through me. This contined over the course of at least a minute, when he ate, I rose, until I finally made it up. Throughout this time the bear seemed to tolerate whatever was in the tree but at times seemed a little uneasy. Unfortunately I still needed to get my bow off the hook and this is when the bear became more curious and less tolerable. As I went to grab the bow he stared through me then turned and took half a dozen bounds away, stopped and started working back in. At 15 yards he stopped and whoffed at me. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't intimidated. Then he walked around the barrel and came to a stop directly underneath me. At this point I was ready with bow in hand and tension on the string. This stand was no more than 6 feet off the ground so we were getting to know each other a little more than I anticipated and really cared for. A few seconds went by and he decided the food in the barrel was more desirable than whatever was in the tree. He went back by the barrel and paced back and forth for a couple minutes before stopping broadside at 12 yards, thanks to the orange vest making noise from rubbing during the draw. He looked at me half way through my draw but I wasn't about to stop.  I held at full draw for at least 15 seconds, making sure the tip of the arrow was where I needed it to be. Without a doubt I was the worst shot in camp and prior to this moment I continually told myself to not rush the shot. The rest was a flash, the orange fletched 2117 arrow hit the bear an inch higher than where I aimed but was really amazed to see a pss thru from my 46 # Bob Lee Recurve. The arrow stuck in the dirt and the bear beat it. 40 yards down the trail he ran down I watched him struggle on his feet and let out the death moan. I only had to drag this bear a little over 100 yards but found that they are incredibly achward and now know what dead weight means. After going 10 yards I decided to gut him out to lighten the load. By 8:45 the bear was loaded, sweat was running, and the truck was rolling to pick up Mike. The bear weighed approximately 138 lbs and has a beautiful coat.
I assisted a couple other fella's in camp with dragging out bears and after assisting Tom and Fred on Freds bear I realized how easy mine was.  But I'll let Fred tell his tale.
Prior to this hunt I use to sit here and read these forums, wanting to be a part of the hunt but being intimidated probably for many reasons but primarily thinking I'm not as good a hunter as most, or not wanting to screw up, or piss someone off cause everyone has an opinion, or just because it was out of my comfort zone. Well, the not being as good of hunter as most is true, guess that should be expected when one hangs out on occasion with someone like Mike Mitten. But in truth everyone in this camp was unbelievably welcoming, even Marty, whom apparently has quite the reputation. My advice, if you have ever wanted to be a part of a hunt like BearQuest don't hesitate, do it. The Mitten's, Wensels, Langers are all like the little people like myself and are a pleasure to share camp with. All the fella's in camp, thank you.
Sorry for being long winded but I'll finish with this last piece of advice, don't try sleeping in the same room as Mike Mitten, won't happen.

Online Terry Green

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Oh Great!....you guys are back.....just what I needed...another hunting story!!

I'll catch up tonight....
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Offline PA stickbow boy

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i gotta go on one of these hunts soon... the stories are awesome!
Keep the sun at your back and the wind in your face.

Offline Gatekeeper

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Brandan, you’ve been a member on this site for four years and you said more in one post then you have in four years.   :campfire:
TGMM Family of the Bow   A member since 6/5/09

“I can tell by your hat that you’re not from around here.”

Casher from Brookshires Food Store in Albany, Texas during 2009 Pig Gig

Offline Guru

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Keep it coming fellas     :campfire:
Curt } >>--->   

"I love you Daddy".......My son Cade while stump shooting  3/19/06

Offline FerretWYO

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I always look forward to the stories from this trip. It looks like you all had a great time.
TGMM Family of The Bow

Offline birddog75

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Tom, it was my pleasure hunting with you. Thanks for the kind words about the drag but the team effort was necessary for that boar. Thursday night, or should I say Friday morning, is one that will never be forgotten in my lifetime. I've seen several men excited when harvesting animals, but to see the level you and Fred were at that night was off the charts. That was awesome and I was honored to be a part of it.
By the way, thanks for noticing the 4 year member without ever posting.

Offline Novaln1975

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It's Monday evening and I just came back from a week-end at Bear Camp with the second week guys. I won't say much, I'll let the actual hunters tell their story but I can say this. Bears have been killed...


Offline Trad-Man

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Nice Bears Mike...congratulations to all!

Offline Greyfox54

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Bearquest 4 lived up to all my expectations . This is the second year I was privileged to attend . Tom does a super job from start to finish . Plan was for me to meet Tom at his place in Peru Mass. along with WapitiMike . Upon arrival we laid out everything that was going to Canada and stuffed it into Tom's truck and trailer along with overloading Mike's truck and trailer . Everything fit so my truck wasn't needed so I drove with Mike , I should have known what I was in for when he showed up wearing a Viking helmut complete with horns .With 5 hours driving to Tom's and 2 1/2 hours loading trucks with bait grub and gear we set out for camp . It takes about 5 hours to get to the Canadien border and another 5 hours to camp . Mike turned me onto those 5 hour energy drinks which I didn't beleive in at first but after taking one each we kept up a lively conversation the whole trip . I think I'm hooked now .
I drew the rollercoaster stand which is one of the furthest from camp . First 2 days saw nothing and on the third had a small rubbed anemic looking bear show up. 4th day everyone who weren't seeing bears got the oportunity to draw out of the hat for stands that weren't set yet and ones that bears were harvested on . I opted for a change and drew the grouper stand where George Galan of Florida fame shot his first ever bear a few nights before . He's a great guy and told me to show him what he should have waited for . Any bear with a bow is a trophy and accomplishment especially your first.
I sat the stand 2 nights and 1 morning and saw some pretty rubbed bears . Barry Wensel graciously lent me a trail cam so I could see if there was any night activity of big bears . I have shot a few bears so I can afford to be a little picky , at least for the first few days of the hunt . I was using my one piece short recurve made by Shawn Petersen which pulls 63# along with some homemade cedar arrows tipped with my favorite Simmon's Interceptor heads . I don't get to take it on many trips because it's not a takedown .I watched it hanging in the tree next to my stand for 5 days and decided to take a pic of it .
Gotta go someone is stopping over to borrow some tools , be back , Fred

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