Here are the rest of the pics that I have. I ended up shooting more video than I did taking pictures.
Another picture of Fred and his bear.
Tom Porter and his first bear.
Doc and Mr. 329.
Doc and Mr. Big could not escape the paparazzi.
Mike Mitten conducting some biological analysis as Doc, Daryl, and Donovan look on.
Getting ready to dig into Doc's bear.
And finally Maddog gassing it up in the bush.
Bear Quest IV was yet another great hunt. Thanks Tom Phillips for setting up the hunt, PV for preparing the great meals, Big Bill and Daryl for being such gentlemen, Doc, Brandan, and George for helping with my bear, Barry, Marty, and Mike M. for keeping us laughing, Tom Porter and Fred for all the skinning help, and Maddog Mike with our Connecticut crew for another awesome bowhunting adventure!