When we're sharpening a single bevel head, 95% of the work is done to the bevel side. Here's my order of proceedure:
1) File the factory burr off the unbeveled side. Just lay the file or stone flat on the unbeveled side and work it till it is flat and true. We do this so that we can tell when we've raised our own burr.
2) File or grind the bevel side with the coarsest stone or file you have till we've raised a new burr that extends the whole length of the blade.
3) leave the burr alone and continue to work the bevel side through as many grits as you desire.
4) flip the clamp and do the minimum number of all forward strokes necessary to remove the burr. This may be 5 passes or 12 but usually it won't take more than that.
6) now start doing individual forward passes on your finest stone, alternating between the bevel and unbeveled sides of the blade just like you would finish a knife or any other BHD. 5 or 6 passes per side should do it.
7) Leave the head in the jig, wipe any oil off the blade and roller and repeat step 6 on a piece of plain brown corrugated cardboard only this time rather than forward strokes, pull the sharpener backwards over the cardboard.
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