sounds familiar,just do like I did and not get anything fixed, don't follow any physio stuff either, that is for other people. In a couple of more years you will enjoy your neck and shoulder EVERY night, emphasized for a reason, mine takes no breaks. I have developed some weird bone based arthritis in my neck and shoulder. I get to wake up to a charlie horse sensation from my right ear to my elbow, luckily only if I sleep on my right side, left side, back or stomach. I still haven't backed down too far though on the draw weights, 65-75# longbows, they are too cool. Starting to shoot girl weight recurves though, 55-63#
I would keep shooting left handed as well as right handed when you figure you are healed up,that will stress both sides of your spine which will prevent some- a lot- of the stuff I have going on. An old Olympic archery coach laid that idea on me, sounds to simple to be true, just do something you have developed and are already doing. A visit to the ear Dr may have helped me as well, apparentley I don't listen until its too late to do anything relatively minor. The physiotherapy guy's know things as well, I had him write the stuff down,that way I can look at exactly what I should be doing. My guy specializes in a prehistoric form of customer torture, he secretly wants to tear my arms off. What ever his plan is, it is slowly working.
Good luck healing up, nice moose by the way!