Just wanted to inform anybody who has been waiting on sending a bow in to be dipped that we are cocked, locked, and ready to rock!!
We have taken in quite a few bows already off of the web site and from shows and have found our new set up to be just rite.
I have also hired an old employee back to help.
Travis started working for me when he was fresh out of high school and I worked his tail to the bone for a year (75hrs a week M-F)while he and I traveled the South East installing carports. Was good while it lasted.
Anyway, he informed me back then that he liked girls way too much to be so tired on the weekends even if he was making good money. So he went on his way and I never had another employee that could compare to his loyalty. Never missed a day or never late. Worked hard always.
Anyway, He went to work for Cooper Tire and stayed there for 7 years until they anounced the closing of the plant.
I am lucky that he remembered me and contacted me a few weeks back looking for work. He now helps in both the camo dipping and in the bow shop and is a definite godsend.
Check out our Sponsor clasified for the on going special.
thanks for your support, Bigjim