Summer of 1995, scouting for elk and deer near Black Sage Pass in Colorado. Had my compound with me to do some stumpin' (before i saw the light and ditched the wheels). I was alone and don't often tell this story cause folks sometimes don't believe me. Anyway, I was walking along a hillside through mixed timber, mostly aspen. Happened to see a coyote about 50 yds off to my right. I stopped to eyeball him, and he also stopped walking and sat down like a dog. After a while I continued walking slowly, and the yote paced me, keeping his distance, watching me all the time. After about 300 yds of this, he stopped and changed angles. I followed him and he let me get closer and closer, angling down the mountain. At one point, I was witing 10 yds of him and was talking to him like a dog. No alarm was evident from him at any time. Then he took a turn to the left and I followed. He rounded a blowdown right in front of me, and there curled up was another coyote! This one saw me and bolted. The first one just looked at me and then sauntered off as I stood there open mouthed. He showed no signs of illness or anything, seemed healthy and alert. It seemed to me at the time that he wanted me to follow him to the other coyote. Still haven't figured it out to this day. Wierd, huh?