I'm certainly no expert Jeff, but I've killed a few and I've learned a bit about arrow performance along the way. Doc Ashby and I don't agree on everything, but I have found his comments regarding arrow mass to hold true no matter what broadhead you choose. First, I would recommend shooting what you are best with and tuned as good as you can, weight would be a second consideration. Second, I like arrows that are 630+ gr for pigs (and most everything else now too). I have never had an arrow above this magic (for me) number fail on anything. Just seems hard to stop that weight and anything heavier. At least 75-80% of the shots I've ever had at hogs were 15yds or under...arrow weight is not an issue at that yardage, imo. Third, footing can't hurt but I don't think it's needed. Any arrow I've ever broken was broken by the hog rolling or running through brush/trees, not at the end from impact that footings protect. Fourth, low and forward!
Go get 'em.