Ok, here is the story - and I don't hunt near as much as yall think I do.
I got down to Paradise on Friday afternoon and, as usual, I take my trusty sidekick Montana the crazy Wirehair with me on the first hunt to wear her out, then I can hunt alone the rest of the weekend. David Waldrop was with me and we went to a big section of hardwoods and palmettos that we call the Trash Can Woods. Rain was falling and nothing was moving at all. No squirrels, armadillos, or hogs. We jumped quite a few deer out of there beds but the woods were dead. I'm not sure if this boar heard us and came to us or if he was just having a very bad day and happened to walk by, but I heard a big critter hitting palmettos coming toward is. By the time I had Montana sitting with me kneeling on her leash and got an an arrow on the string, the boar was cruising by at ten yards. I hit him low behind the shoulder and the arrow angled up through one lung but, unfortunatel, not both. He took off and I unleashed Montana and let go after him. A hundred yards away, he bayed up. At the time, I figured he was on his last leg because he was pouring blood. Anyway, I can't shoot worth beans when I get real excited and I promptly missed a follow-up shot. Rather than dirty another arrow, I figured it better to retrieve that one. With one eye on the boar I eased over to pick it up. Boar and dog were about ten yards away at this point and I could see that the pig was watching me and not the dog. I squatted to pick up the arrow and took my eyes off the boar for two seconds and the next thing I know is that I got hit by a big hairy linebacker and I am rolling over in a tangle of legs. I never saw or heard him coming. Jumping up, I was happy to see his sizeable testicles moving away with Montana in pursuit. Why he didn't cut me, I don't know. He hit me head on and since I was squatting, I just rolled right over. . . . He bayed up a short ways away, David Waldrop came to the commotion and after a rather ugly ending, the boar is dead and I am not.