Going forward under the present conditions, I'd take my 3-piece A&H ACS. Excellent bow for hunting and targets. Fast, forgiving, stable. However, if my life depended on it under dystopic conditions, I'd take one of my Hills. Can use one of those as a spear, club, walking stick, etc., and it will still make meat.
Re the radical reflex/deflex designs and the trend toward shorter bows. There's little doubt that the newer designs increase performance without giving up comfort, and usually improve it. Think some folks might be going overboard in their quest for short bows though. Short bows are much more susceptible to string torque -- vertical and horizontal-- than are longer bows, and, of course, the increased string angle increases finger pinch. In the same design, they also stack more quickly than longer bows. I'm amazed by the folks who say they draw a 58-inch high r/d bow to 30 inches and don't feel any stack or finger pinch.